Angular Basic to Advanced: Command Line Guide mesameergaikwad

Sameer Gaikwad
3 min readMay 22, 2023


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Learn Angular in 24 Hours

Angular is a powerful JavaScript framework for building web applications. To work efficiently with Angular projects, it’s crucial to have a good command of the Angular command line interface (CLI). In this blog post, we will take you through a journey from basic to advanced Angular CLI commands, equipping you with the necessary knowledge to streamline your Angular development workflow.

  1. Creating a New Angular Project:
    To create a new Angular project, you can use the `ng new` command. It sets up the basic structure and files required for an Angular application. Syntax:
ng new project-name

2. Create theme Angular Material:
To add Angular Material to your project using the command line, run “ng add @angular/material” in your terminal. This will install and configure Angular Material in your Angular project, allowing you to use its components and styles.

ng add @angular/material

3. Generating Components:
Angular CLI offers the `ng generate component` command to create new components. Components are the building blocks of Angular applications, and generating them using the CLI saves time and helps maintain consistency. Syntax:

ng generate component component-name

4. Generating Services:
Services in Angular handle data management and provide reusable logic. The `ng generate service` command generates a new service file. Syntax:

ng generate service service-name

5. Running the Application:
To run your Angular application locally, use the `ng serve` command. It starts a development server and automatically reloads the app when you make changes. Syntax:

ng serve

6. Building the Application:
When you are ready to deploy your Angular application, use the `ng build` command. It compiles the application into static files that can be deployed to a web server. Syntax:

ng build

7. Testing:
Angular CLI provides testing support with the `ng test` command. It runs unit tests for your application, ensuring that your code behaves as expected. Syntax:

ng test

8. Generating Modules:
Modules help organize your Angular application by grouping related components and services. Use the `ng generate module` command to generate a new module. Syntax:

ng generate module module-name

9. Running Linter:
To ensure code quality and consistency, Angular CLI includes a linter. The `ng lint` command analyzes your code for potential errors or style violations based on predefined rules. Syntax:

ng lint

10. Updating Angular:
To update your Angular project to the latest version, use the `ng update` command. It checks for available updates and guides you through the update process. Syntax:

ng update

11. Adding External Libraries:
Angular CLI simplifies the process of adding external libraries to your project. The `ng add` command allows you to install and configure third-party libraries easily. Syntax:

ng add library-name

Mastering the Angular CLI commands is essential for effective Angular development. From creating a new project to generating components, services, and modules, and running tests and linters, the Angular CLI provides a comprehensive set of tools to enhance your productivity. With this command line guide, you are well-equipped to navigate your Angular projects with confidence and efficiency.

12. install sql server

npm init -y
npm install msnodesqlv8 --save // install sql server



Sameer Gaikwad

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