Mes Aynak — More Than Just an Ordinary Archaeological Site

Mes Aynak
2 min readJul 26, 2019


Mes Aynak is the biggest archaeological site of Afghanistan but it is not just an ordinary archaeological site, it is more than that. The site contains the biggest copper deposit of Afghanistan and this makes Mes Aynak a site to be considered by many powerful countries not just only Afghanistan. But most importantly, the site contains articles from the Bronze Age. Scientists have only begin to find the articles as old as 5,000 years below the Buddha level that makes the site even more important for all the global archaeologists. Some archaeologists claim that Mes Aynak has the ability to redefine the history of the entire reason and that makes it clear that Mes Aynak is not just an ordinary Archeological site.

History of Mes Aynak

The city Mes Aynak was ruled by a Hindu King name Jaypaldeva during the 10th century. But it was later invaded by Gaznavi and city was burn to the ashes. During its prime time in 10th centrury, citizens of Mes Aynak were follower of Buddhism and Shiva equally. In 1973–1974, the archaeological wealth of the site was discovered by the Russian and the Afghan geologists. According to the archaeologists, Mes Aynak was at its pick during the fifth and seventh century.

Excavations and Mining

During 2010 to 2011, archaeologists recovered over 400 items from the site that is more than the total strength of the museum of Afghanistan before the war. The site covers around 400,000 square metres of area that is divided into many monasteries. The site has come to the international news due to mining activities going on the site for the extraction of copper from the site. Many archaeologists and foreign media came forward against the mining in the reason and it is being demanded that site should preserve its ancient articles in case mining occurs on the site.



Mes Aynak

The archaeological site of Mes Aynak, and by extension the copper deposit, is located about 40 km southeast of Kabul in the northern Logar and Wardak Provinces.