Conversing with Shadows: An AI/ChatGPT-Human Synergy in Unraveling Dreamscapes 2/2

Simon Hardy
3 min readJun 21, 2023


Exploring the realm of dreams with AI? Here’s an illuminating take from my psychologist on AI’s role in dream interpretation

Introduction — The AI-Psychologist Tandem: A Tale of Collaboration

I unearthed intriguing insights in my earlier chronicle on AI-assisted dream analysis using ChatGPT from OpenAI. To deepen my understanding, I turned to my psychologist for guidance. With a playful quip about being too old to worry about AI replacing her, she shared thoughtful perspectives, underscoring that AI is more of a collaborator than a contender in our quest for mental well-being.

“Psychotherapy is a private, confidential conversation that has nothing to do with illness, medicine, or healing.” Thomas Szasz

1. Unpacking Expert Observations: The Human Element in AI

My psychologist offered valuable feedback on several critical dimensions, underscoring the irreplaceable importance of human touch in dream analysis:

  • Tailoring Techniques: She emphasized that a one-size-fits-all approach to dream analysis is limiting. Different dreams require diverse interpretive techniques — like using various keys to unlock other doors;
  • The Forgotten Anamnesis: She pointed out that anamnesis, a comprehensive review of a person’s medical and life history, is vital in dream analysis. Imagine trying to understand a story by picking up a book midway — you’d miss the critical context;
  • The Language Beyond Words: As a seasoned psychologist, she relies heavily on body language, which reveals truths that words might mask. It’s a silent dialogue that AI currently can’t participate in;
  • Privacy Paradigm: She voiced concerns about maintaining the confidentiality integral to the therapeutic relationship in the face of AI integration.

Enhancing the AI Experience: Insights into Action

Drawing from her wisdom, I refined the AI prompt to incorporate a broader spectrum of analysis techniques while still maintaining privacy safeguards. It’s an exemplar of a comprehensive prompt leveraging AI with human guidance.

**1. Description of Your Dream:**
(write your dream here)

**2. Personal Background:**

- Sex:
- Age:
- Parental Situation:
- Relationship status:
- MBTI Type:
- Socioeconomic Class:
- Upbringing (Rural/Urban):
- Current Living Situation:
- Family context:
- Emotional Quotient:
- Intellectual Quotient:
- Neurostatus:

**3. Dream Elements and Interpretations:**

| Dream Element | Freudian Interpretation | Jungian Interpretation | Johnson's Active Imagination | Bethards' Symbol Interpretation | von Franz's Historical Context |
| ------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| Dream Element 1 | | | | | |
| Dream Element 2 | | | | | |
| Dream Element 3 | | | | | |

(add more rows for each significant dream element)

**4. Unconscious Processes:**
(reflect on the unconscious processes at play in your dream based on relevant theories.)

**5. Emotional Analysis:**
(provide an emotional narrative of your dream, considering all the interpretations and perspectives.)

AI: A Potent Ally, Not an Omniscient Entity

This exploration reiterates that AI, as powerful as it may be, is not an omnipotent entity. It cannot replicate human intuition or interpret the nuances of body language. It needs the holistic understanding that anamnesis brings. However, when guided appropriately, AI can augment our capabilities.

2. Charting a New Course: Equal Access and Rethinking Education

ChatGPT and similar AI tools have the potential to democratize psychological support, bringing it within reach of those who previously had limited access. However, they’re merely tools, not panaceas. This necessitates a radical rethinking of education — focusing on imparting knowledge and cultivating the ability to harness these tools effectively and ethically.

Author Bio: I am the founder of CitizeAi_. My mission is to democratize AI and make it an accessible tool for everyone. My approach to AI and Data Strategy is rooted in humanistic principles, enabling me to develop solutions with a positive societal impact. I believe in transparency, self-awareness, and vulnerability and strive to foster open discussions on various topics. I invite you to connect with me as we shape the future of AI together. Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this article are those of CitizeAi_ and my own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company.



Simon Hardy

Founder of CitizeAi_ | AI Strategist & EU Policy Expert | Championing European Values | Innovating Public Services & Citizen Engagement