Enlightenment 2.0: The Journey of CitizeAi_ in a Digital World

Simon Hardy
5 min readJun 25, 2023


Embark on a journey with CitizeAi_, reviving the spirit of Enlightenment and European values in the digital era.

Introduction: Setting Sail on the Voyage to Uphold True European Values

As a pioneering beacon in the digital landscape, CitizeAi_ holds the unwavering mission of kindling the sparks of Enlightenment anew in our digital epoch. As we voyage through the convoluted seas of our contemporary digital society, we frequently encounter a disheartening sight: the ascendancy of populist narratives distorting the authentic spirit of Europe.

1. Countering False Narratives: Our Steadfast Pledge

Our strategy unveils itself with a daring and unforeseen pledge: We will not stand idle in the face of these distortive narratives. Our digital platform thrusts philosophy onto the forefront, demonstrating how ageless philosophical concepts serve as the foundations of our mission and function as guiding beacons on our voyage.

2. Enlightenment in Action: The Echoes of Popper and Habermas

In the unique confluence of classic philosophy and artificial intelligence, we highlight how the intellectual riches from luminary thinkers such as Karl Popper and Jurgen Habermas align closely with our ethos. Popper’s vision of an open society? We stimulate it by urging users to question the prevailing narratives. Habermas’s concept of the public sphere? We ardently strive to preserve its integrity in the digital domain, battling the rampant spread of misinformation.

3. Exposing the ‘Culture Industry’ and Catalyzing Democratic Deliberation

Our platform transmutes abstract concepts into tangible experiences, reflecting Adorno’s critique of the culture industry by revealing its underlying mechanisms, presenting alternative narratives, and cultivating informed discourse. We bring Dewey’s vision of democratic deliberation to life as we equip users with trustworthy information, fostering active participation in meaningful societal debates.

4. Breathing Life into ‘les Lumières’ in the Digital Epoch

Our initiative stands firmly grounded in the European tradition of ‘les Lumières’, an unyielding faith in reason, critique, and freedom. These are the ideals that we seek to revitalize in our era of digital metamorphosis. Through CitizeAi_, we intend to recapture the narrative, contesting those who disseminate a misrepresented image of Europe.

The (Great) Tower of Babel was the subject of three paintings by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

5. Illuminating Power Structures and Championing Transparency

By shedding light on the often-concealed power structures influencing online information dissemination, we echo Foucault’s explorations into the dynamics of power and knowledge. We aspire to foster a healthy scepticism towards dominant narratives and cultivate an informed, proactive, and engaged public sphere.

6. CitizeAi_: Upholding the Banner of Democratic Values

The narrative of CitizeAi_ is far more than a tale of countering misinformation. It is a heartfelt rallying cry, a mission ignited by the enthusiasm to uphold the integrity of our shared democratic values. We are more than a platform; we are champions engaged in the fight to preserve the values that form the foundation of our societies. We dedicate our efforts to defend and promote a European narrative that stays true to its ideals, immune to the distortions of populism.

7. Shaping Our Digital Destiny Together

With CitizeAI_, we aspire to rekindle the flame of Enlightenment, moulding the digital landscape under the guidance of Europe’s revered values. Together, let us shape our digital destiny, steering it not by falsified narratives but by truth, reason, and the principles that characterize our European identity.

Bringing the Enlightenment to Life: CitizeAi_ in Action

To better illustrate our mission, let’s delve into a few practical examples of how CitizeAi_ is operationalizing these principles (sample of our core values, actions and beliefs):

  1. Countering Misinformation: Users are encouraged to assess the information critically on our platform. For example, when a politically charged news article is shared, our AI technology not only provides a fact-checked report but also encourages a dialogue about the reliability and potential biases of the sources;
  2. Promoting Democratic Deliberation: We aim to host regular virtual town-hall meetings where European users discuss societal issues. Guided by respectful and informed debate principles, these meetings digitally embody Habermas’s concept of the public sphere. We have already conducted the first successful experiment;
  3. Preserving Cultural Diversity: Recognizing the rich tapestry of European cultures, we’ve developed features that celebrate this diversity. Users can explore digital exhibitions of cultural artefacts, learn about different European languages, and participate in discussions about cultural preservation in the digital era.

Through these and many other initiatives, we at CitizeAi_ are working to uphold and promote the values of Enlightenment, truth, and democratic participation in our shared digital space.

DALL-E Generated: “A staircase “by” Landon Metz with pastel colours.”

Conclusion — The Path Ahead: Reality, Reason, and the Unyielding Flame of Enlightenment

Marching Forward: Enlightenment, Reality, and Our Shared Journey Novelist Philip K. Dick once said: “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

These words guide our mission at CitizeAi_. We dare to imagine a digital world where reason, critique, and truth-seeking prevail. Let’s march on, shaping our digital future together and ensuring our European identity remains untouched by populist narratives. After all, reality doesn’t fade away when we stop believing in it.

Author Bio: I am the founder of CitizeAi_. My mission is to democratize AI and make it an accessible tool for everyone. My approach to AI and Data Strategy is rooted in humanistic principles, enabling me to develop solutions with a positive societal impact. I believe in transparency, self-awareness, and vulnerability and strive to foster open discussions on various topics. I invite you to connect with me as we shape the future of AI together. Please note that the views and opinions expressed in this article are those of CitizeAi_ and my own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company.


Throughout the creation of this article, I referred to the works of various esteemed philosophers and thinkers. To gain a deeper understanding of the concepts I’ve mentioned, you may want to explore the following sources:

  1. Karl Popper: “The Open Society and Its Enemies
  2. Jürgen Habermas: “The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
  3. Theodor Adorno: “The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception
  4. John Dewey: “The Public and its Problems
  5. Michel Foucault: “Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972–1977



Simon Hardy

Founder of CitizeAi_ | AI Strategist & EU Policy Expert | Championing European Values | Innovating Public Services & Citizen Engagement