Evolution of PHP — v5.6 to v8.0

Martynas Eskis
12 min readApr 19, 2019

A condensed review of changes in PHP v7.x in under 15 minutes


Once PHP 7.3 version has been released, I decided to take a detailed look into PHP development: what is being developed and what is the direction towards better understand its new potential and optimisations of this widely popular programming language.

After looking around for a condensed list of features that PHP implemented during development of PHP v7.x, I have decided to compile the list by myself — a nice catch up that I believe someone may find useful as well.

We will start at PHP 5.6 as a baseline and will look into what’s been added, changed. I’ve as well added links to official documentation for each of the mentioned things, so if you are interested into in depth reading — feel free.

PHP 7.0

Anonymous Class Support
An anonymous class might be used over a named class:

  • When the class does not need to be documented
  • When the class is used only once during execution
new class($i) {
public function __construct($i) {
$this->i = $i;

The Integer division function — safe way to divide (even by 0)
It returns the integer division of the first operand by the second. If the divisor…



Martynas Eskis

Principal Engineer @TransferGo. Distributed systems, system architecture, making complicated systems simple and pains of scaling to world class company.