Points to Ponder while Purchasing Ringless voicemail broadcast

messagizer ringless
3 min readAug 9, 2017


A Ringless voice broadcasting renders the service of voice mail to a colossal amount of cell phones and landline phones silently without enabling them to ring. This way of marketing has been critically acclaimed by the legal experts and is said to be complying with the rules of Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). It offers multiple benefits to a business organization

  • How “ringless” is ringless voice mail?

Although almost every product claims to be completely ringless there are some products that can ring the phones once a while. Actually, there is a fine, subtle line between claims “Ringless” and “direct to voicemail”. Business organizations products are advised to choose a software product that causes maximum deliverance with the minimum amount of ringing.

  • Complete voice mails

The complete delivery of entire ringless voice drop is essential for conveying the complete information of the product an organization wants to sell. Therefore it is prescribed for a supplier to choose a product that delivers the entire body of voice mail for informative and better communication with potential clients.

  • Time Duration

The total time duration for delivery of thousands of ringless voice drop can take an average of 6 to 7 hours.

  • Audience Target

The large part of the organizations that use these products composes of Student loan providers, Banks, and trading companies. There should be some pre-made relationship between companies and the clients.

  • Probability of Callbacks

A callback is the chief indicator of client’s interest in your product and plays a vital role in creating business deals with the customer. If the phone number is not much old and is genuine then there is a fair probability of callback. Credit companies’ voicemails suggesting better interest rates over borrowing a loan from their firm gets the most amount of callbacks.

  • Delivery Rate

A software which can deliver up to 80% of the total leads present is considered good. The software with kind of delivery rate is termed as “carrier certified”.

  • Daily Report

Purchase a software that briefs you about the delivery on daily basis. Your software should brief you about the cell phone numbers that got successful delivery of ringless voice mail by the end of the day. It’s a bonus if it also supplies you some additional information but the delivery of voice mail is the essence of daily business reporting.

  • Return Call Engagement

As the ringless voice drop are being successfully delivered, your business executives will start getting the return call from the potential customers regarding your products. Arrange the necessary and well-trained staff to engage the return calls.

  • Separation of Cell Numbers

The organizations should have some provision for separating the cell numbers. It is very important to separate the cell numbers from rest of the leads.

  • Cost

Finally, the most important factor that plays a major part in choosing the product. The product that never allows the cell phones to ring enjoys a bit higher cost than the one that gives a ring to the cell phones once in a blue moon.

Visit : https://messagizer.com/ringless-voice-broadcast

