Our Meta Angels Manifesto

Meta Angels
5 min readApr 29, 2022


Meta Angels is building an NFT community centered around the values of generosity, transparency, and accessibility:

  • The individuals who’ve chosen to buy membership into Meta Angels have a #GiveFirst mentality and are generous with their time, expertise, and networks.
  • Our members are open about their identities — not always names, but who they are as humans, what they do, and how they can contribute to the community.
  • Our doors are open; we’ve built out a lending program to provide access to our community to those who might otherwise be unable to join.

We are also a collective of members who love the breathtaking, capital A art of Sarana Haeata.

As one of our early community members said in the days leading up to mint, “this one’s about the heart and the art.”

Meta Angels is not an investment vehicle, it is membership in a community and ownership of a beautiful piece of art.

We are building from a broader community of passionate, enthusiastic members — but we want to address here the vocal few who have been asking us to react day-to-day to market conditions.

If you are constantly looking at the floor price of Meta Angels to decide if you should be listing it, then this community is not right for you. The value of Meta Angels lies in its network, the quality of the members, and the depth of our partnerships and programming that remain steady, regardless of market fluctuation.

If your perspective on our lending program is that it dilutes value, not that it opens doors to people who can contribute and make our community richer, then this might not be the right place for you. Lending is a core tool of accessibility in a space that too often relies on hype and price churning to limit access. It is not –and will never be–a source of passive income.

We are not going to fuel hype or “drop alpha;” we are not going to make decisions based on how they’ll impact the floor price; and in fact, we’re not going to look at the floor price at all.

Where we are going remains consistent with where we started.

Three months ago, we sold out our mint in 52 hours with record participation.

Our strategy: intention, not hype, and so many of you embarked on this journey with us.

Our goal: build a community around like-minded, values-driven individuals who want to be part of a community like ours.

And what we have already built is significant. In the three months since mint, we have:


Our first-of-its-kind on-chain lending function was developed to increase accessibility and inclusion in the space. Because loaned tokens cannot be transferred or sold, this technology also secures on-chain interactions with third parties like Twitter or Premint.


Our Angel Grants distribute weekly no-strings-attached grants to our members: 0.25 ETH each week that goes directly to our community. They’re funded in part by our Meta Angels Marketplace, which we released with Rarible as their exclusive launch partner. Through the Meta Angels Marketplace, sellers help fund these community grants with 0.5% of their transaction cost.


As alumni of Techstars and Y-Combinator, we understand the power of mentorship and infrastructural support. With Angel Labs, we are supporting innovators and technologists to build the future of web3, all while giving owners of Angels special access to that cohort. The proceeds of the program will both fund the next ambitious cohort of Labs, and fuel operations of Meta Angels independent of secondary sales and trading volume. In a space that is so volatile, this is a significant step in ensuring the long-term stability of the business.


We’re also building out our Artist in Residence program in partnership with Adobe, investing in the part of the ecosystem that serves as the front end to all of the technology that’s being developed: the art. As many of us know, only 16% of NFT artists today are women, and even fewer are minorities — and we are early enough to right that ship.

And that’s just the beginning.

We will continue to build upon these foundations and innovations, exploring the potential of web3 technology to drive real world impact.

We’ll continue to partner with values-aligned brands in a substantive way. We’ll continue to elevate and support the creators and entrepreneurs who also see the infinite possibilities in blockchain technology.

More importantly, we will continue to prioritize accessibility and inclusion over perception and hype.

As we continue to build Meta Angels, we will stay true to our values and serve all of our members with integrity and singular focus.

We have enough capital to fund Meta Angels for 18 months without any royalties or other revenue streams. Any additional revenue streams beyond that allows us to dream bigger, deliver more for our members, and sustain us over the long term.

Our community is at the heart of who we are, why we work as hard as we do, and what the future is for Meta Angels. And our community is strengthened by the individuals who spend their energy connecting with and helping each other.

To those of you who re-anchor conversations in our values, we see you.

To those of you who are busy with life and work but stop by when you can to contribute, we appreciate you.

To each and every one of you that has taken time out of your day to help a stranger you met on the internet, we say thank you.

You are building something special alongside us, and we don’t take that for granted.

We care deeply about creating real, tangible value for our members. But we won’t base decisions on an irrational secondary market. We will not prioritize hype over substance, even if we take a hit for refusing to play that game.

If this doesn’t resonate with you, that’s okay. For holders who decide to leave, we encourage you to list on explore.metaangelsnft.com; the fees are lower, and 0.5% of the transaction will help fund our Angel Grants and give back to the community.

But if you too believe in helping others and building for the long term, we hope you’ll join us. Whether you come in as an Angel holder or wish to borrow from the community, you’ll find others like you in our Discord and we welcome your voice.

— Alex, Ally, and Gabriel



Meta Angels

Meta Angels is an NFT community harnessing metaverse relationships to unlock real life opportunities.