METABIT NETWORK Rocket Launch Vol.11: Explore the cross-chain technology of METABIT NETWORK, the leader in the cross-chain vision

4 min readSep 9, 2023


On August 7th at 9:00 AM (Eastern Time), METABIT NETWORK’s Jason and Jay participated in the 11th edition of the Rocket Program’s Ask Me Anything (AMA) event. The theme of this event was “Exploring METABIT NETWORK’s Cross-Chain Technology: Leading the Cross-Chain Vision.” Below is a summary of the key points discussed during this AMA:

I. Implementation and Advantages of Cross-Chain Bridging Technology

Cross-chain bridging technology enables the transfer of assets between different blockchain networks, thereby achieving interoperability and enhancing the functionality of the entire ecosystem. Some potential advantages of this technology include:

  1. Interoperability: METABIT NETWORK’s cross-chain bridging technology enables seamless asset transfer and interaction between different blockchain networks, fostering the creation of an interconnected and more efficient blockchain ecosystem.
  2. Expanded Market Access: By bridging different blockchain networks, METABIT NETWORK’s technology can open up new markets and opportunities for users and projects, allowing them to access a broader range of assets and liquidity.
  3. Enhanced Security: Implementing reliable cross-chain bridging technology ensures the security and verifiability of asset transfers between chains, reducing the risks of potential vulnerabilities or hacker attacks.
  4. DeFi Integration: This technology promotes the integration of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and protocols, enabling cross-chain transactions, yield aggregation, and other financial activities across multiple blockchains.

II. Cross-Chain Assets and Networks Supported by METABIT NETWORK

METABIT NETWORK’s cross-chain technology represents a significant advancement in the blockchain and decentralized application (DApps) space. It enables the secure and seamless exchange of data and assets between different blockchains in a decentralized and trustless manner. This breakthrough brings extensive possibilities to the blockchain ecosystem, making previously challenging or impossible cross-chain programmability and integration now feasible.

In traditional blockchain environments, DApps are typically confined to a single blockchain network, limiting their interoperability and functionality. However, with the cross-chain capabilities of METABIT NETWORK, DApps can now interact with multiple blockchain networks, breaking down silos and facilitating the transfer of data and assets between different networks.

One of the key advantages of METABIT NETWORK’s cross-chain technology is its ability to execute advanced functions such as scheduling. In a fully synchronous single-chain environment, executing complex operations at specific times is a challenge. Through cross-chain programmability, DApps can schedule and coordinate operations across multiple blockchains, introducing new use cases for time-sensitive applications and DeFi protocols.

Furthermore, METABIT NETWORK’s cross-chain technology enhances the overall scalability and efficiency of the blockchain ecosystem. By enabling cross-chain interactions, it alleviates the burden on individual chains, leading to better load distribution and improved network performance.

METABIT NETWORK’s cross-chain approach ensures the security and transparency of data and asset exchanges. By using smart contracts and encryption protocols, METABIT NETWORK ensures the verifiability and tamper resistance of cross-chain transactions.

In summary, METABIT NETWORK’s cross-chain technology presents exciting possibilities for blockchain and DApp developers. By facilitating secure and seamless cross-chain interactions, it paves the way for a more interconnected, efficient, and secure blockchain ecosystem. With ongoing technological advancements, we can expect further innovation to drive the application and progress of decentralized technology.

III. How Users Can Perform Cross-Chain Asset Transfers and Interactions

To engage in cross-chain interactions, users can follow these steps:

  1. Choose a Cross-Chain Bridge: Users need to select a cross-chain bridge or platform that supports the specific assets and networks they want to interact with.
  2. Connect Wallet: Users should connect their cryptocurrency wallet to the chosen cross-chain bridge. This can typically be done through browser extensions like MetaMask or through the integration of the bridge’s native wallet.
  3. Lock Assets: To transfer assets from one blockchain to another, users need to initiate a transaction to “lock” the assets on the source blockchain. This process involves sending the assets to a smart contract address specified on the source chain.
  4. Cross-Chain Verification: Once the assets are locked, the cross-chain bridge will verify the transaction and record the information on the bridge’s smart contract.
  5. Asset Transfer: After verification, the assets are minted on the destination blockchain as corresponding tokens. These tokens represent the locked assets and can be used for transactions on the target chain.
  6. Interact with Assets: Users can now freely interact with the assets on the target blockchain. They can trade, transfer, stake, or use the assets in various decentralized applications and protocols.
  7. Reverse Process: If users wish to transfer the assets back to the source blockchain, they can initiate the reverse process by sending the tokens back to the cross-chain bridge’s smart contract on the target blockchain. The bridge will then release the locked assets on the source blockchain, allowing users to access them again.

In conclusion, the emergence of cross-chain technology in the era of Web3 presents unprecedented opportunities for the blockchain space. METABIT NETWORK, as a leading public blockchain, is committed to making cross-chain asset transfers and interoperability easier for users. Whether you are a developer or an everyday user, we encourage you to explore this promising field and look forward to future innovations and advancements. Together, let’s build a more interconnected, efficient, and secure blockchain world!

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Metabit with the goal of developing a large-scale commercial high-performance blockchain platform with top academic research and blockchain technology experts.