Why SHAH Token? Here’s the Story Behind Our Ticker

4 min readJan 10, 2022


Shah means king of kings.

MetaChess sets the stakes high in the world of online chess by blending the world’s most ancient game and blockchain technology. The platform immerses players into a unique chess world and enables people to monetize their hobby like never before.

This MetaChess universe could not have been built without its utility token — SHAH — the fuel that powers the MetaChess ecosystem.

As a central piece of the whole project, we had to find a suitable ticker for our ecosystem utility token. We felt we needed to look back. We decided to take a journey through the history of chess to come up with the most perfect ticker.

Here’s the story behind our SHAH Ticker.

Where SHAH comes from

We felt our ticker had to be about the game of chess. The word “Checkmate” is central to the game and sounded nice, so we thought about its origins. It’s then that we decided on our ticker — SHAH.

Essentially, there were two main reasons for our choice:

  1. The meaning of the word Shah
  2. The historic importance of the title, Shah

The earliest evidence of chess goes as far back as 600 AD in Persia. However, chess is believed to have come from its predecessor game called Chaturanga, a war game mentioned in the famous Mahabharata. It is believed to have been brought to Europe by the Byzantine Empire and since then it has developed into the game we know today.

As you know, to win a chess match, you must capture the opponent’s king. The player needs to do this by moving the pieces towards the King, cornering him and making him unable to move. This key play is called the “Checkmate” or “Shah Mat.” It literally means “The King is dead or defeated” or “The King is helpless”.

The Persians are said to have introduced the idea of warning that the King was under attack — or a Check (the alert that the king could be captured).

According to an article published by the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, etymologically, the word checkmate derives from the Persian phrase “Shāh Māt” which means “the King is Dead” or “the King is helpless”.

  • Shah means King and is a Persian title.
  • “Māt” is a Persian adjective for “at a loss”, “helpless”, or “defeated”.

Therefore, “Shah Mat” equals Checkmate.

Once the King would become in check, players would announce “Shah”. This would alert that the king is in trouble and needs help, and give the other player a chance to plan an escape for the King. When a player corners the king making it unable to move, it means the king is checkmated (shah-mat). And the game ends.

SHAH, the King of Kings

Another reason for our choice of SHAH is that, in the Persian language, there is a group of words that are formed on the model of the word Shahanshah, The word is of Persian origins and it means “King of Kings” or “Emperor”. The word has a history of more than 2500 years according to a research paper on the Shahanshah group of Persian words.

Specifically, Shah is a Persian title that means “King of Kings”. It refers to the rulers who were able to unify Persia and create a vast intercontinental empire.

This is why SHAH made sense as our utility token ticker. We want to unite the chess world in the metaverse!

So that the SHAH token lives up to its name, we’ve built it to be the fuel of the MetaChess metaverse.

SHAH Token Utility Summary

SHAH token utility
Win SHAH tokens by winning tournaments.
  • SHAH will fuel our ecosystem.
  • SHAH will be used as the main currency on the NFT marketplace.
  • SHAH can be staked to generate passive income.
  • SHAH will be used on the coaching platform as the only means to transact.
  • SHAH will be used to lease lands/squares.
  • SHAH can be used to get entries to tournaments.
  • SHAH will be used as the only means of payment for users who want to add their own custom chess board models.
  • SHAH will be used to get entry into some exclusive game modes.
  • Advertisements within the game are paid in SHAH.
  • SHAH is paid as rewards for winning chess tournaments.

Shah is a word with immense historic value related to chess. Since MetaChess is taking chess into the metaverse, using SHAH as our token ticker is an ideal choice.

About MetaChess:

MetaChess is the first 3D multiplayer play-to-earn (P2E) and NFT metaverse chess game. The platform is in 2D and 3D. The 3D version will be divided into two. The first part is the regular chess game, with traditional chess pieces in 3D. The second part is more animated and fancy. It consists of chess pieces in the form of humanoid characters. You can own NFTs (unique chess pieces) which will be used in the game. The platform also has play-to-earn (P2E) models that make it worth players’ time. The 2D version is currently playable. You can either play with AI or play with another user.

Official Links

Telegram: https://t.me/metachess_network

Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/metachess_announcement

Twitter: https://twitter.com/real_metachess

Medium: https://medium.com/@metachess

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/metachess

Instagram: https://instagram.com/metachess_network

Website: Metachess.network




MetaChess (formerly BrainiacChess) is the first 3D multiplayer play-to-earn (P2E) and NFT metaverse chess game