Learn and Earn Leads the Way in Training the Next Generation’s Web3 Developers

2 min readMay 2, 2022


Students will make money while taking courses, avoiding being saddled with student debt.

If you’re following the Web3 gaming industry, you certainly have heard of play-to-earn. Instead of seeing their time spent and earned assets flow into the pockets of a game developer or company, players have the opportunity to make money from the games they play. Building on this model, the new platform Metacrafters is adding a twist — players learn blockchain coding while earning, and of course, doing both while immersed in an engaging game.

Behind this revolutionary method is the growing need for a new generation of coders and developers for blockchain applications. The numbers reflect this need. There are more than 80,000 blockchain apps in use worldwide, yet there are only around 250,000 Web3 and smart contract developers. Of the 27 million software developers in the world, only about 18,000 of them, or 0.07%, work on crypto or web3 projects over the course of a month. This shows the need. But the value is that those 18,000 active engineers have created $2 trillion in market cap across the top 100 projects alone — $112m of value per person. This revolutionary learn-to-earn method aims to bolster the ranks of these crypto and web3 developers by providing educational opportunities and upward mobility to anyone who has an internet connection, a device, and a passion for gaming and learning.

Inspired by the success and models of the Web3 game Axie Infinity and the global gaming community, Yield Guild Games (YGG), player-students — henceforth known as future “crafters” — begin their journey by engaging in lessons on coding for blockchain applications, all the while earning NFTs and tokens for completing courses. The completion of courses unlocks higher level courses and even more rewards — treasure — which will have in-game utility and long term value across the Metacrafters communities. In addition to these rewards, advanced crafters who’ve completed a requisite number of courses unlock the ability to access a platform-based bounties & jobs marketplace with real employment opportunities. More longer term opportunities exist for experienced developers who teach and mentor ambitious young students, earning incentives based on the course popularity, engagement levels, and high completion rates.

The search for potential students will focus on (though it won’t be limited to) those living in emerging economies in Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America — all regions with growth potential that also face a lack of educational and employment opportunities for its populations, both young and old. Regardless, from an employer’s standpoint, the end result is a potential employee who has successfully completed a high quality web3 curriculum where companies have access to real-time information about students’ credentials.

Learn and earn can be the future of education for those with limited access to a traditional education. Metacrafters wants to give anyone with an internet connection the power to wield web3 knowledge.

