Metadoge MetaBridge for Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain Release

4 min readDec 5, 2021


Metadoge Token Metabridge available at

Metadoge Token Smart Contract

Official Smart Contract Address for Metadoge Token on both Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum Blockchains: 0x8530b66ca3ddf50e0447eae8ad7ea7d5e62762ed

Metadoge Token MetaBridge Fee: 2%


After you do the transaction, you need to wait until the transaction will get 15 confirmations in order to receive it from Metadoge MetaBridge on Binance Smart Chain. For more answers please look at the bottom of this article to see FAQ.

Currently, Metadoge Metabridge is a one-direction token bridge to ensure security and liquidity for BSC. Both tokens will have the same utility for the 3D Metadoge Metaverse Game and NFTs.

How to use MetaBridge —Guide

To use the bridge, you must have a wallet that is integrated with the browser (a mobile wallet that allows you to browse the internet directly from your application, such as Metamask for iOS/Android).

Soon it will be possible to use more wallets. If you are currently using a different wallet and want to use it now, you can export your private key from your current wallet and import it into Metamask wallet (you will then be able to manage the funds at the given address from both wallets).

Sending tokens consists of two actions. These actions are “approve” and “transfer”.

The first is to authorize the bridge contract to transfer tokens on your behalf. Performing this action is only preparing for the transfer. You don’t even need tokens to do it. You can also define the amount to which the bridge contract will be entitled (if the amount is greater than the one you are sending now, it will not be necessary to grant rights at the next transfer).

After successfully granting the rights, it is possible to use the transfer action, which will send your tokens to the address provided by you. It may be the same address from which you want to send them.

To transfer your tokens from ETH Chain to the BSC Chain, follow the steps listed below (PC/Metamask):

1. Open the bridge page in a browser with an integrated wallet.

2. Make sure your wallet is connected to the ETH mainnet.

3. Locate the button “Connect wallet” and then press it.

4. If you have more accounts within one wallet, select the one on which you have METADOGE (and ETH tokens in the amount necessary to confirm the transaction).

5. Confirm the connection in Metamask. If the connection request window did not pop up automatically, click the Metamask icon in your browser.

6. Press the “Approve” button to authorize the bridge contract to transfer METADOGE tokens on your behalf. By default, the quantity is set to a very large number so that the approve action is necessary to be performed once. However, if you want the bridge contract to be allowed to transfer only the exact amount, set it in the Metamask transaction confirmation window (“Edit permisions” button) and then confirm the transaction.

7. After the transaction has been confirmed by blochchain, you can proceed with the transfer. Enter the required amount in the “Amount” field and the address to which they are to be sent on the BSC chain in the “Destination chain address” field (the “My address” button will enter there the address of the currently connected Metamask account).

8. Press the “Transfer” button and then confirm the transaction in the Metamask transaction confirmation window.

9. When your transaction has been confirmed by blockchain, you will receive tokens on the BSC chain. However, this will not happen sooner than after 15 confirmation blocks. The bridge contract must wait for them due to the architecture of the ETH chain. It just needs to make sure that the block with your transaction will not be rejected.


Q: I don’t have Metamask connected with BSC Network

In order to add Binance Smart Chain BSC Mainnet for Metamask Wallet — Official Binance Guide

Once you connect with BSC from ETH Chain, your wallet address will remain the same.

Q: I can’t do any transactions on BSC

You need to have BNB Token in your wallet to do transactions on Binance Smart Chain.

Q: Do I need to swap my ETH Metadoge tokens after MetaBridge will launch to BSC?

No. It’s optional to have cheaper transaction fees for token swaps and NFT Sales.

Q: After Metadoge Metabridge launches, where can I buy it?

Currently you can buy it on Uniswap on Ethereum Network, we will announce when it will be available for trading on Binance Smart Chain.

Q: What about security?

We will release MetaBridge security details in the upcoming days.

