4 min readJul 18, 2022


Traditional gaming centers have become a familiar concept to every gamer. As a matter of fact, these gaming centers have been an indispensable part in every gaming experience of a gamer, it is where traditional gamers are allowed to play and challenge friends while playing games together.

However, the next generation of gaming centers which also offer Web3 games to the gamers is not yet available. It is where MeCenter comes in. MeCenter is a network of gaming centers of which facilities and equipment have been upgraded, aiming to assist gamers in getting familiar with NFT games such as connecting wallets, purchasing/selling tokens, and NFTs, etc. In fact, MeCenter also provides gamers opportunities to experience excellent Web3 games of MetaFe.

  • Gaming culture in Vietnam

Gaming centers or gaming hubs have first appeared in Vietnam since the beginning of the 2000s under the form of small and medium Internet cafés. These are a kind of business model where customers have to pay for using the Internet or gaming services via a set of computers provided. In some countries, gaming centers are filled with arcade machines which require players to use coins to play. Such a business model has later blossomed intensively in Vietnam and continued to grow later on with lots of changes and upgrades.

Back when the Internet was still a rather new concept in Vietnam, there were quite a considerable amount of small-sized Internet cafés across the nation. There were hardly any luxury services offered by the Internet cafés themselves, however, most adolescents still found joy in competing in online combats with their peers or even just chatting on Yahoo!

There are now numerous gaming centers in Vietnam, which provide a wide variety of services for gamers as an effective method to boost their gaming experience and keep their feet. At least 80% of young adults in Vietnam confirmed that they prefer playing games with their friends in gaming centers to playing at home as the thrill and excitement of gamers tend to be amplified significantly while they are enjoying themselves with their friends, even if they are playing games or simply surfing the Internet. In fact, the vast number of interesting services and facilities in gaming centers play an important role in attracting customers, which includes PvP live tournaments, on-spot services, etc. Such hype has apparently been overwhelmingly encouraging gamers to go to gaming centers more, creating such a great playground for gamers everywhere.

  • MeCenter and its role in converting traditional gamers to Web3 gamers
  • O2O Solution

Gaming centers are the home of Web2 games. Only by creating an environment dedicated to experiencing Web3 gaming for traditional gamers could MeCenter be the fastest and most efficient bridge that converts traditional to Web3 gamers at the moment.

O2O Solution (also known as Online-to-Offline Solution) is a strategic business scheme in which MeCenter would turn itself into an offline playground for gamers, furthermore, helping Web2 gamers get familiar with Web3 gaming experience by offering them a chance to experience the truly Web3 games. Games will be installed in MeCenter systems, which significantly increases the chance conventional gamers are converted to Web3 gamers more easily.

Metarrior, the bootstrap game of MetaFe with various features where it enables players to enter PvP competitions and Guild wars, will also be installed in MeCenter, offering gamers a chance to experience the excitement of the world’s first truly Web3 game.

  • MeCenter’s Revenue model

As the governance token of MetaFe, $MEWA will play an important role in MeCenter, including rewards, transaction fees, and revenues.

As a common playground for gamers, MeCenter provides gamers with open Web3 games experiencing zone where they can get connected and play with other people, as well as have a chance to obtain a new source of income.

MeCenter also offers its service as a marketing platform for potential games, through which games will be introduced to the vast community of MetaFe, along with numerous social events and in-game competitions that aim at bonding the gaming community as a whole.

  • A large-scale gaming hubs network

Along with more than 3000 gaming centers currently partnering up with MetaFe, MeCenter is expected to approach the gamers, either traditional or Web2 gamers, on a large scale. To be more specific, there would be more than 600,000 gamers coming to MeCenter every day, thanks to the large quantity of gaming facilities, which is up to 150,000 computers.

The infrastructure as well as the equipment within MeCenter are those of the most modern, which contributes greatly to the gaming experience of gamers comprehensively.

