Pro-Lifers are Essentially Idiots

Stuart Ferguson
4 min readDec 4, 2021


Let me talk to the pro-lifers for a moment. Yeah, you, the one wanting to outlaw abortion.

Listen you dumb-ass: a fetus isn’t a person. A fetus doesn’t have interests or rights that need protecting. People have interests and rights, and a fetus doesn’t because it’s not a person. It’s barely even an organism.

In one of my first essays here I explained how the sorties paradox causes a lot trouble and needs to be understood. But you didn’t listen did you, you stupid prick.

I’ll dumb it down to your level. If you had a million basic Lego blocks you could make them into a ball. Well, maybe not a dirt-sucking dipstick like you, but someone competent could. It would be round. Now start taking the bricks away one by one. Eventually the ball will be less round and more obviously blocky, and finally when you’re down to the last few bricks, it would be square. The point of this is that properties can emerge in large collections of things. No Lego brick is round, but an organized collection of them can be, and the more there are the rounder it gets.

Photo by Alice Gu on Unsplash

Human development is the same. It starts with a clump of cells that gets bigger as the cells divide, progressing through a series of increasing complex stages: blastula, gastrula, embryo, fetus. The properties that make this collection of cells into a person emerge slowly over time as the complexity increases. A person has features that those earlier forms don’t have. Even a sluggish dumb-shit like you should be able to grasp that.

One of the features that define a person is that it’s an organism. An animal, in fact. A fetus is not an animal. An animal can ingest food, excrete wastes, breathe air, react to stimuli, and a whole bunch of other things. The fetus develops those abilities over time, but for a long time it doesn’t have those abilities. It doesn’t even have the organs necessary to perform those functions.

A fetus that isn’t even an animal can’t be a person. Abortion isn’t murder, you slack-jawed dolt.

You know who is a person? The woman or girl who is about to have her body forcibly remodeled and her life overturned because of an unintended pregnancy. The machinery just operates. It doesn’t care if the trigger was violent assault or a simple mistake. It doesn’t care if the uterus-haver might die. There are no ethical considerations. The logic of reproductive machinery is if it can reproduce it should reproduce.

But we don’t have to be so simple-mindedly pigheaded, you mouth-breathing jackass.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

We thinking adults have the capability to take circumstances into account and decide if we want to leave our bodies in a state of nature or if we want to use medical intervention. This is the smart, modern way to deal with things that nature does to our bodies. Even you — a motherfucking low-grade moron so stupid you would suck horse paste instead of getting a proven vaccine — would let a doctor cut a tumor out of you if you had one. An abortion is morally the same; it’s removing a dangerous growth.

You, my dear inbred airhead, are an essentialist. You believe that things have an essence, so that an embryo or a clump of cells — or even a single cell — contains the essence of a complete human. That is contemptuously and irredeemably ignorant. Imagine believing that a Lego brick contains within it the essence of whatever it has been used to build. Get yourself an education you obtuse half-wit.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Or maybe you aren’t that stupid. Maybe you understand fully well the things that I have been saying are true and you just don’t care. Perhaps you would get an abortion for yourself or your family in a heartbeat but would deny that right to others. If that’s the case then you’re much worse than simply stupid. You are evil, and I will fucking fight you, you worthless piece of shit.



Stuart Ferguson

3D graphics pioneer, entrepreneur, maker, champion of science and reason, and philosophical gadfly