POWer-Up Summer FAQ

MetaHero Universe
8 min readJun 15, 2022

Pixel Vault is giving MetaHero and Planet token holders the chance to POWer-Up their MetaHeroes, as well as assemble a fleet of DOTs, in preparation for the launch of the MetaHero Gaming Universe. As a follow-up to our Rules of Engagement teaser, we have put together a detailed FAQ to provide more details around the game.

Question: What is POWer-Up Summer?

Answer: POWer-Up Summer is an opportunity to energize our MetaHero community, allowing you to power-up your heroes (and villains!) for the MetaHero Universe games to come!

Question: How do I POWer-Up my MetaHeroes?

Answer: Through the periodic release of common and planet-specific Gear Pods. Holders of MetaHero Generative Identities and/or MetaHero Core Identities (collectively, MetaHeroes) AND Planet tokens will qualify to participate in Gear Pod mints. There are two options for minting: the common, Astral Gear Pod, and the more rare, Cosmic Gear Pod. The rarity and quantity you can mint of these depends on your wallet holdings.

In November 2021, each MetaHero holder received a free claim for their corresponding planet. Collectors who claimed and held their Planet token have the pieces in place to qualify for POWer-Up Summer!

Question: I have a MetaHero and a Planet token, but they do not match. What can I mint?

Answer: You will be eligible to mint the Astral Gear Pod. This will have useful gear but it will not be as rare as gear in Cosmic Gear Pods.

Question: I have 1 MetaHero and 1 Planet with the same origin. What can I mint?

Answer: You can mint a Cosmic Gear Pod, with the Cosmic holding gear specific to your planet for future gameplay. For example, holders of a matching MetaHero and Planet token from Mercury will have access to mint Mercury gear. Thus, the rarity of the gear corresponds to the rarity of the Planet token.

Note: MetaHeroes can use any gear in the game irrespective of their planet origin.

Question: I have a MetaHero and a Moon token but no other Planet tokens. Can I mint a Gear Pod?

Answer: No problem! We are making an exception since no MetaHeroes originate from the Moon. As long as you have a MetaHero to pair with your Moon Planet token, you will be eligible to mint a Cosmic Gear Pod, and it will be specific for the Moon.

Question: POWer-me up! I have a MetaHero and multiple Planet tokens. How many Gear Pods can I mint?

Answer: Each MetaHero can pair with up to three separate Planet tokens to determine Gear Pod mint eligibility (once per pairing class). Planets only count once for the snapshot.

  • Pair your MetaHero to a Moon token = 1 Cosmic Gear Pod for the Moon
  • Pair your MetaHero to an origin Planet = 1 Cosmic Gear Pod for that Planet
  • Pair your MetaHero to a non-origin Planet = 1 Astral Gear Pod

Priority will be determined in this order for each MetaHero and Planet token pairing at the time of snapshot, and will focus on making each collector eligible for the most planet specific Gear Pods possible.

  • Example 1: A collector holds two MetaHeroes, one from Jupiter and one from Mars, and also holds a Jupiter and Mars Planet token. This collector will be eligible for two total Gear Pods. One Cosmic Gear Pod from Jupiter and one Cosmic Gear Pod from Mars as they are the most planet specific Gear Pods available to them.
  • Example 2: A collector holds two MetaHeroes, one from Jupiter and one from Mars, and also holds a Jupiter and Saturn Planet token. This collector will be eligible for two total Gear Pods. One Cosmic Gear Pod from Jupiter and one Astral Gear Pod for the Jupiter MetaHero and Saturn Planet pairing. The Mars MetaHero is not paired.
  • Example 3: A collector holds two MetaHeroes, one from Jupiter and one from Mars, and also holds one Jupiter, one Saturn, and one Uranus Planet token. This collector will be eligible for three total Gear Pods. One Cosmic Gear Pod from Jupiter, one Astral Gear Pod from the Jupiter MetaHero and Saturn Planet pairing, and one Astral Gear Pod for the Mars MetaHero and Uranus Planet pairing.
  • Example 4: A collector holds two MetaHeroes, one from Jupiter and one from Mars, and also holds one Jupiter, one Saturn, and one Moon Planet token. This collector will be eligible for three total Gear Pods. One Cosmic Gear Pod from Jupiter, one Cosmic Gear Pod from the Jupiter MetaHero and Moon Planet pairing, and one Astral Gear Pod from the Jupiter MetaHero and Saturn Planet pairing. The Mars MetaHero is not paired.

Question: What are the legendary Nebula Gear Pods I’ve heard about?

Answer: These Gear Pods will contain the rarest items, and will not be available for purchase. Instead, a randomly-selected number of Astral and Cosmic Gear Pod holders will be airdropped a Nebula Gear Pod at a later date. The rules for Nebula Gear Pods are simple, and our collectors have a hand at determining the final supply based on how many Gear Pods they mint.

  • 2.0% of the total Astral Gear Pod supply will receive a Nebula Gear Pod
  • 5.0% of the total Cosmic Gear Pod supply will receive a Nebula Gear Pod
  • There are no wallet limits; each Astral or Cosmic Gear Pod held increases your opportunity to receive a Nebula Gear Pod.

Nebula Gear Pods are also guaranteed to those holding the following assets in their wallets without a quantity limit: a MetaHero Core Identity, a PUNKS Comic Issue #1 Special Edition comic, and/or a “Planet set” (all nine Planet tokens + a Moon token). Note, a Dark Moon token is not required.

Question: If I have a Planet but not a MetaHero, can I mint a Gear Pod?

Answer: Since the purpose of POWer-Up Summer is to prepare MetaHeroes for gameplay, holding a MetaHero is required to qualify for a Gear Pod.

Question: If I have a MetaHero but not a planet, can I mint a Gear Pod?

Answer: A separate Planet token is required to POWer-Up each MetaHero you own. For example, if you have two MetaHeroes and only one Planet token, you would only qualify for one Gear Pod based on the above criteria.

Question: Will we see our gear revealed immediately?

Answer: No, not right away. There is a burn mechanic that will be activated closer to game launch. Your gear will be revealed when the Gear Pods are burned in-game.

Question: Will there be a holding requirement for burning Gear Pods?

Answer: Yes, you must hold at least one MetaHero in the same wallet as the Gear Pod you wish to burn. There is no requirement for your Gear Pod and MetaHero to have matching origins at the time of burn. This will allow for free trading of Cosmic Gear Pods on secondary markets between collectors.

Question: How many Gear Pod mints will there be for POWer-Up Summer?

Answer: There will be multiple Gear Pod mints throughout the summer. Stay tuned to our social channels for details on future drops.

Question: How do you determine eligibility for POWer-Up Summer?

Answer: We took a random snapshot for eligibility on June 15, 2022 at 12:00 pm EST (block 14968339), to determine which MetaHero and/or Planet assets each collector had in their wallet that would make them eligible for this mint.

Question: When is the POWer-Up Summer Gear Pod mint happening?

Answer: Minting begins on June 17, 2022 and will be open for 24 hours. Please watch twitter for an announcement of when minting is live.

Question: Will $ETH be accepted to mint or only $POW?

Answer: Gear Pods will be minted exclusively in $POW. Each Astral Gear Pod or Cosmic Gear Pod will cost 2,000 $POW. This $POW will be recycled to game participants through future activations.

Question: Can you tell me more about how MintPass 2 tokens play into POWer-Up Summer?

Answer: During POWer-Up Summer, Pixel Vault will run periodic raffles to send MintPass 2 tokens to Gear Pod holders so they can build their army of DOTs. Each Gear Pod will provide the following number of entries into the raffle, with no limits per wallet:

  • Astral Gear Pod: 1
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Jupiter): 2
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Saturn): 2
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Neptune): 2
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Uranus): 2
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Pluto): 3
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Mars): 4
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Venus): 5
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Earth): 5
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Mercury): 6
  • Cosmic Gear Pod (Moon): 7
  • Nebula Gear Pod: 7

These are passive raffles but there are a few rules:

  • Collectors must hold at least one MetaHero in their wallet
  • Holding a “hero” MetaHero will act as a 3x multiplier for your number of entries.

Question: Can my MetaHeroes remain staked to participate in POWer-Up Summer?

Answer: Staked MetaHeroes will be captured for the first snapshot only. MetaHeroes must be unstaked no later than 6/30/22 at 11:59 pm EST to qualify for future Gear Pod mints and the MintPass 2 raffle.

Question: Can you please give us a quick summary of which Pixel Vault ecosystem assets will be used in POWer-Up Summer?

Answer: Below is a list and brief description of Pixel Vault tokens used directly and indirectly in the POWer-Up Summer game.

  • Astral Gear Pod — A mintable POWer-Up created from a MetaHero that was paired with a non-origin Planet token
  • Cosmic Gear Pod — A mintable POWer-Up created from a MetaHero that was paired with an origin Planet token OR a Planet token from the Moon.
  • MetaHero Core Identity — One of 146 fully-matched MetaHero concept characters, including two special mints, collaboratively designed by Chris Wahl and Odious.
  • MetaHero Generative Identity — MetaHero that can be generated on-demand by redeeming a MintPass 1 token (max supply of 9,678).
  • MintPass 1 — token that reserves a MetaHero Generative Identity mint for its holder.
  • MintPass 2 token that reserves a DOT for its holder.
  • Nebula Gear Pod — A limited-supply reward for MetaHero Core Identity, PUNKS Comic Issue #1 Special Edition comic, and “Planet set” holders. Remaining Nebula Gear Pods will be distributed to Astral Gear Pod and Cosmic Gear Pod holders through an on-chain raffle.
  • Planet — One of 10 tokens that represent the nine planets and one moon where the MetaHero characters exist. A full “Planet set” includes all nine Planet tokens + a Moon token. Each token also represents one vote in the MetaHero-themed social gaming platform. Dark Moon IS NOT a Planet token.
  • POW — Represents the in-game currency for the MetaHero-themed social gaming platform.
  • PUNKS Comic Issue #1 Special Edition — One of 58 limited-edition comics, signed by artist Chris Wahl.

As a reminder, communications about POWer-up Summer will only come from our verified Pixel Vault social channels, which can be found at linktr.ee/pixelvault. If there are any questions, please reach out to us on our dedicated social channels.

  • Twitter: @pvsupport_
  • Discord: discord.gg/pixelvault

