$MUNITY Tokenomics

Metahorse Unity
6 min readJan 22, 2024



Munity is a unified token for a Trilogy of Horse-Themed Games: Munity is the cornerstone of a vibrant gaming ecosystem related to horses. It seamlessly merges three distinct yet interrelated horse-themed titles — Stutengarden, a Horse Catching RPG; Metahorse Unity, world’s first mobile Horse Racing RPG; and M-Deed, a Horse Farm Trading Game. Munity serves as the universal token across all these platforms, creating a cohesive and immersive gaming experience.

MUNITY token serves as the key to unlock exclusive features, enhance gameplay, and shape the future of multiplayer horse racing in the gaming industry.

Overview of the MUNITY Token Ecosystem:

MUNITY Ecosystem

Total Supply:

The MUNITY token has a total supply of 500,000,000 units, providing a well-defined framework for the token’s availability within the ecosystem.

Strategic Allocation:

The allocation of MUNITY tokens is structured across different rounds and essential components of the ecosystem, ensuring a balanced and sustainable growth trajectory.

  • Seed Round: 4%

The seed round accounts for 4% of the total supply, providing early supporters and backers with a strategic entry point into the MUNITY token ecosystem.

  • Private Round: 2.50%

Reserved for private investors, the private round allocation stands at 2.50%, attracting strategic partnerships and contributors who believe in the long-term success of Metahorse Unity.

  • Public Round — IGO (Initial Game Offering): 3.50%

The public round, conducted through an Initial Game Offering (IGO), allocates 3.50% of the total supply, allowing a wider audience to participate in the growth of the MUNITY token ecosystem.

  • Team: 18%

Allocated to the development team, this 18% ensures that the core contributors behind Metahorse Unity are vested in the project’s success and aligned with the community’s interests.

  • Advisors: 3%

Reserved for advisors, this allocation of 3% recognizes the invaluable guidance and expertise provided by external advisors, contributing to the project’s strategic direction.

  • Liquidity & MM (Market Making): 1%

With 1% allocated for liquidity and market-making purposes, the MUNITY token’s trading environment is enhanced, promoting stability and a healthy market.

  • Marketing & Community Incentives: 10%

A substantial 10% is dedicated to marketing initiatives and community incentives, ensuring widespread awareness and fostering an engaged and vibrant MUNITY token community.

  • Staking & Game Economy: 26%

The largest allocation, comprising 26%, is directed towards staking mechanisms and the in-game economy, driving participation, rewards, and sustainability within the Metahorse Unity ecosystem.

  • Treasure: 31%

A reserved 31% allocation is designated for the project’s treasure, providing flexibility for future developments, partnerships, or unforeseen opportunities.

  • KOL Round: 1%

Acknowledging the influence of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), 1% is set aside for the KOL round, fostering collaborations and amplifying Metahorse Unity’s presence in the gaming community.

Utilities of the MUNITY Token:

  • Governance Power: Influence the direction of the Munity gaming universe by participating in governance decisions.
  • Exclusive Access: Unlock special in-game events, areas, and content across all three titles, providing a unique advantage to MUNITY token holders.
  • Staking Rewards: Stake your MUNITY tokens to earn rewards, fostering a sense of commitment and engagement within the gaming community.
  • Cross-Game Compatibility: Seamlessly navigate between Metahorse Unity, Stutengarden, and M-Deed with cross-game compatibility, ensuring a cohesive gaming experience.

Game Rewards:

  • Battle Pass Completion Rewards: Earn rewards upon completing various levels of the Battle Pass, enhancing progression and achievement.
  • Campaign Completion Rewards: Reap the benefits of completing engaging campaigns within the games.
  • PVP Races: Compete in player-versus-player races to showcase your skills and earn rewards.
  • Ranking (Weekly, Daily): Achieve top rankings on a weekly and daily basis to receive exclusive rewards.
  • Esport Tournaments Rewards: Participate in esports tournaments for a chance to claim substantial rewards.
  • Grand Prize Rewards: Stand a chance to win grand prizes, adding an extra layer of excitement to the gaming experience.

Marketplace Features:

  • Sell NFT: Trade and sell NFTs within the marketplace.
  • Rent NFT: Offer the ability to rent out NFTs, creating dynamic and collaborative experiences.
  • NFT Horse Staking: Stake NFT horses to earn additional rewards, adding a strategic element to horse management.
  • NFT Land Staking: Stake NFT land for unique benefits, fostering a sense of ownership and investment within the gaming world.

Core Gameplay — Game Economy Method (Earn)

  • Dynamic Event Cycle: 25%

Dynamic events are repeatable events that modify the world as you complete them. These events contribute 25% to the overall game economy, providing players with engaging and varied opportunities to earn MUNITY Tokens.

  • Interactive Objects: 1%

Anything within the Metahorse Unity world that players can click to gain value falls under interactive objects. Special day events are an example of this, contributing 1% to the game economy.

  • Race Rewards: 31%

This category encompasses rewards from various races, including map completion rewards, daily race rewards, and monthly race rewards. Race-related activities contribute 31% to the overall game economy.

  • Grand Prize Rewards: 23%

Grand Prize Rewards make up 23% of the game economy, providing substantial prizes to winners of monthly and weekly grand prize competitions. These rewards add a competitive and rewarding aspect to the gameplay.

  • Quest: 20%

The Quest system, including daily, weekly, monthly quests, and unique Battle Pass quests, contributes 20% to the game economy. Completing quests allows players to steadily earn MUNITY Tokens and progress in the game.

Core Gameplay — Game Economy Method (Burn)

These marketplace burn elements create a balanced and dynamic in-game economy where players engage with various activities, contributing to the ongoing reduction of the MUNITY Token supply. This approach adds strategic depth to the gameplay, aligning the burn mechanisms with players’ regular in-game and marketplace interactions.

  • P2P Sales (Commission Fee):

Players engaging in peer-to-peer sales within the marketplace will incur a commission fee in MUNITY Tokens. This fee is part of the burning mechanism, ensuring a continuous reduction in the token supply. The commission fee is applicable in daily, weekly, and monthly cycles.

  • Rent (Commission Fee):

Renting assets within the marketplace involves a commission fee in MUNITY Tokens. This fee contributes to the burning process and occurs on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, aligning with players’ regular activities.

  • Staking:

Staking MUNITY Tokens also serves as a burning mechanism. As players stake their tokens, a portion is burned, promoting token scarcity and adding value to the overall economy. Staking activities occur daily, weekly, and monthly.

  • MUNITY Boxes:

The purchase and opening of MUNITY Boxes involve a burn of MUNITY Tokens. These mystery boxes, offering various in-game items, contribute to the continuous burning cycle and add an element of excitement for players. The burning process is integrated into daily, weekly, and monthly cycles.

  • TAX for Withdraw Transactions:

Players will incur a tax in MUNITY Tokens when withdrawing assets from the marketplace. This tax acts as a burning mechanism and is applied to transactions on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, ensuring a consistent reduction in the overall token supply.

