What’s new in Metalet for Q1 2024

3 min readMar 30, 2024

Enhanced BTC-Related APIs

We’ve introduced additional BTC-related APIs to enrich third-party DApps with enhanced functionalities, further strengthening the MVC Ecosystem’s vision of bridging BTC with MVC and setting a new standard for Layer-2 solutions.

Added APIs:

  • btc.connect
  • btc.signPsbt
  • btc.inscribe
  • btc.getAddressType
  • btc.transfer
  • btc.verifyMessage

Expanded Token Compatibility

New tokens support: BRC-20 & MVC-20:Metalet has now integrated support for BRC-20 and MVC-20 tokens. This allows users to manage, transfer, and receive a wider range of tokens directly through their Metalet wallet, broadening the scope of digital assets they can interact with.

Ordinals NFT support:Metalet now also provides comprehensive support for Ordinals NFTs, expanding the range of digital assets our users can manage with their wallets.

Integration with Orders.exchange

Experience frictionless trading with Orders.exchange, a pioneering BTC Layer-1 DEX within the MVC Ecosystem. Connect your Metalet wallet for seamless exchanges of BTC and other tokens.

Enhanced MetaID 2.0 Protocol

Simplified listing and transferring of MetaID pins with support for MetaID 2.0, offering a new level of interaction and identification in the digital realm.

Launch V2.0 Metalet Mobile App

Metalet is more than just a browser extension, we have also launched a mobile app. The mobile app also supports BTC and MVC, as well as Ordinals NFT and BRC20 Token. Metalet’s mobile app is lightweight, secure, and simple. It is possibly one of the best wallets for storing BTC-related assets.

Get your Metalet now

Metalet aims to be the best wallet in the Bitcoin ecosystem, now supporting BTC as well as the Bitcoin sidechain MVC, and will add support for more Bitcoin sidechains/layer2 chains in the future. It already supports protocols like Ordinals, BRC20, MVC20, MetaID, and will also include more asset protocols like Runes in the next version.Metalet is an open-source, secure wallet.

Download Links:

Teaser1: Metalet extension v3.0

A brand new version of Metalet is on the horizon. It’s a complete overhaul of the current architecture, with a focus on multi-chain support and a more user-friendly interface. Stay tuned for more updates!

Teaser2: New version of Metalet mobile app

We’re excited to announce that a brand new version of the Metalet App is in development. The V3 App, built with a new architecture, will offer an enhanced user experience, support for more Bitcoin and MVC asset protocols, and a mobile cold wallet feature that turns your smartphone into a Bitcoin hardware wallet. Our goal is to make the new Metalet App your most secure wallet for managing Bitcoin ecosystem assets.

Brand New Logo
We chose the owl as our wallet’s logo to emphasize our commitment to security and protection. The owl symbolizes wisdom, vigilance, and trustworthiness — qualities essential for safeguarding your digital assets in the blockchain world. Just like an owl’s watchful eyes, our wallet remains alert to potential threats, providing a secure and reliable environment for your cryptocurrency.




Metalet, your one-stop Bitcoin and sidechain management expert, aims to provide you with a convenient and secure digital asset management platform.