Here Are Several Ways to Invest in Silver
3 min readJun 6, 2019


Here Are Several Ways to Invest in Silver, photo courtesy of

We often hear about people investing in silver and most of us believe we understand what that means. While a guess or two might yield the correct answer, there may be ways of investing that the casual observer is not aware of. With that in mind, let’s consider the different ways individuals can invest in silver. Those include investing in the production, trading or holding of an actual piece of silver, whether it’s a silver coin or silver bullion.

Like gold, silver is considered a precious metal. Unlike gold, silver has many more industrial applications and is considered more like some other commodities, such as crude oil, lumber and corn. But, unlike those other commodities, silver is not limited to its consumption uses.

The different ways to invest


This may be the most popular way of investing in silver. Whether via an online store such as or through a precious metals show room with a physical presence, investors can purchase actual silver bullion in different weights and sizes, such as bars or coins, that correspond to different values.

Options and Futures

Similar to investing in corn and cattle futures, investors can invest in the movement of the silver market. There are a number of investment houses and online trading entities that will assist investors who wish to place their money in silver but don’t want to hold onto physical silver. An option gives the investor the right, with an obligation, to purchase or sell shares at a specific price at the time of his choosing, as long as the contract is still in effect. Futures, on the other hand, requires a buyer to buy shares and a seller to sell shares, on a specific date in the future.

Exchange-Traded Funds

Traded on a stock exchange, exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are bundled, third-party assets that work together to determine your overall investment value. A silver ETF is designed to track the market price of silver metal.

Funds and Stocks

In the same way that investors buy shares or interest in stocks and mutual funds, investors can put their money into companies devoted to silver mining as well as firms which deal in the production, distribution and use of silver. These investments can often be less volatile than pure silver, but are also subject to typical business-related issues similar to any stock or fund associated with companies that investors trade in.

At the end of the day, when deciding whether to invest in silver, it’s worth remembering that silver can be a very valuable addition to one’s investment portfolio. Investors can reap the benefits of a steady, diversified return when compared to regular stocks and mutual funds. There is peace of mind and a benefit associated with riding out fluctuations in other markets while knowing that the value of the investment will remain intact.

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