From alternate reality..

A Cast
9 min readMay 22, 2019


This is a fictional story about conversation between Tero and Nini. Tero comes from an alternate reality and Nini lives in Sweden.

Hi, I am Tero. I come from an alternate reality. I am visiting here to analyse your reality and gather feedbacks.

Hello Tero, I am Nini. How did you come here?

Tero: I am not sure, I don’t remember any specifics.

Nini: what do you remember then?

Tero: I think my memory was erased before coming. I only remember things which is useful for my observation here.

Nini: It’s little hard to believe that you come from different reality and conveniently forgot all about it.

Tero: No, I didn’t forget everything. I only forgot specifics.

Nini: So what do you remember exactly?

Tero: I remember abstractions which are relevant to topic in hand. It only comes to me when I’m observing something. They come as ideas and have comparative nature to it.

Nini: Weird but OK.. Let me ask you something then. How is my reality different to yours?

Tero: It’s not much different. We have everything what you have only much organized.

Nini: What do you mean?

Tero: First thing I notice here is, most people are stuck in circular logics. Looping and repeating same mistakes again and again. People are mostly care about their own ideas and motivated to build their own legacy. In this war, truth often has to take step back because attention gets hijacked.

Nini: Well, isn’t it a feature of being human.

Tero: Yes, I agree. I am human too and I understand our limitation of with memory and attention. We build our awareness from it but world is too complex and without broad enough awareness, we are bound to get stuck in loops.

Nini: Well, that’s why we work collectively. We each specialize our area of expertise to figure things out.

Tero: True, we do that too. However people here get linked symbolically to their own discovery and refrain from sharing. Also there are biases purposely introduced in the information.

Nini: Well, it is what it is. We have to do it to get successful.

Tero: Yes, I agree. But it is also the biggest hurdle to progress. People have to put lot of effort and time to form an objective truth. And for few things, it is difficult arrive at truths because they can’t be verified easily.

Nini: Are you saying we have a bad system?

Tero: No, I believe system is perfect. We have same system only difference is, our system is motivated towards optimization.

Nini: Interesting, how so?

Tero: We have a system to organize the chaos. But that’s not the only thing. We have little different philosophy, It’s not about who then it’s just about what. We have a quote for it.

If we can separate an idea from its source, we can also separate intentions from attention and possibly create meaningful abstractions.

This helps us avoid such loops while keeping our individual goal and collective goal aligned. It helps us save time and effort so we can move forward without getting stuck in trivial things.

Nini: You said system? What kinda? How does it solve the problems?

Tero: Well, This system contains of three parts. We call it Trident.
We have a network of all humans, a framework to handle logistics of intelligence and a platform to derive objective truths.

Nini: I am pretty sure we have all of that. It’s different for each region like Governments, then we have various communities like science, human rights, FDA etc.

Tero: Yes, we have those too. But they all use this Trident to model their field and optimize for it. Trident model is at surface level just a tool. Highly effective one.

Nini: Interesting, Tell me more about Trident system thing.

Tero: So first pillar of this Trident is the network, we call it UBI network. UBI network consist of all the humans on the planet. They all have unique identity that is locked to their extended cognition. This extended cognition is combination of hardware and software. hardware being ComputeBlock and software being their own awareness model. We call this model digitalSelf.

Nini: So you have your own digital self? Is this like an AI assistant?

Tero: Yes it is an AI but it’s not an assistant. It is your own extended cognition. It is still you. Your prefrontal cortex is still incharge and this cognition becomes your digital cognition. We use this extended cognition of offload a tons of things we aren’t good at. This helps us make more wise decisions.

Nini: Wow, crazy.. we have something similar. it’s not there yet but soon we will be using assistants like Google and Siri..

Tero: Well, that could be a bad idea. There is a reason it is called extended cognition. Your brain can not be owned by someone else. It is constitutionally unethical. At one point morethan 50% of all your enhanced human experience will be dependent on it. Why would you share your own cognition with someone else?

Nini: That’s interesting. So where does this extended cognition stored? It sure requires computers.

Tero: Yes, extended cognition requires computation. And that’s what UBI network is. Network of ComputeBlocks. We all own a computeblock on which our cognition runs. ComputeBlocks are either owned or rented in a farm. Each human can put their identity on only one ComputeBlock following the guidelines of system design. There are range of ComputeBlocks with different processing and memory capacity. All UBI participant are free to buy any configuration as long as they are within system guidelines.

Nini: Why can’t you own more ComputeBlocks?

Tero: You can, but you can put your identity on only one. You can own another CB on someone else's identity and share 50% profit generated from it. People who can’t afford to buy it. You can actually buy hundreds or CBs as long as there are 50 unique identities willing to share with you. Most people share their old CB when they buy new one. This way they can still keep making 50% profits off of old ComputeBlocks.

Nini: Sounds interesting. How is profit generated from ComputeBlocks.

Tero: All linked ComputeBlocks create a ton of connections. These connection becomes valuable all sorts of ways. It’s like your brain, neurons independently don’t do much but the connections between them give rise to the consciousness we experience. Similarly, within network we do tons of cross referencing and benchmark for all sorts of things which creates tons of value. Which then participant are paid according to their contribution?

Nini: huh? What kind of benchmarking? How do you manage it?

Tero: This is where the framework comes. We call it Bot Framework. This framework is like a sandbox universe which consists of all bots. So when a user becomes part of the UBI network, his DigitalSelf bot gets created. But this is not the only type of bot which is created. You can build all kinds of bots in this framework. We try to build bots for as many things as possible.

Nini: So you have personal bot which you call DigitalSelf and then bot for everything else. But what do they do?

Tero: Yes. Bots are connected to their physical identity. Each bot has some cognition which works on memory function. There are different kinds of bots. PersonBot, CarBot, EmployeeBot, CompanyBot, CustomerBot, LanguageBot etc etc.. They have all the past interactions stored in their memory. These memory develop into larger awareness over time and we call it awareness of bot. This also gives us ability to mimic real world and do process simulation in an digital environment.

Nini: Seems very complicated.. What do you mean by simulation in digital environment?

Tero: That’s the third pillar called Simulation Platform. This is where we test all kinds of test scenarios and generate result. All UBI participant are datapoint and they themselves generate endless pull of datapoints which then are used to generate result. This is how we get closer to objective truths.

Nini: So you have UBI network consist of all humans, Bot framework consist of all bots and simulation platform which is basically a platground where you do simulation and generate result.

Tero: Right! We think simulation platform as mirror dimension to our own reality. We test and benchmark ideas against each other to get results. This enhances our judgement and gives everyone opportunity to participate and contribute in all sorts of ways. People create and participate all sorts of scenarios and it gives them great creative satisfaction.

Nini: What kind of scenarios?

Tero: It could be anything. Health benchmarks, diet, lifestyle, business, economics, transportation, energy anything.

Nini: Very interesting. So you have AIs? Are they conscious? How do you manage safety..

Tero: Yes we have AIs. Each digitalself is kind of AI. There are tons of simulation AIs too. All AI activities they are routed through people's ComputeBlocks. This is a safety mechanism we employed to control intelligence. We call it logistics of intelligent management.

Nini: But what about super intelligent rouge AI?

Tero: Intelligence is a higher manifestation of various bots (algorithms) which can be linked to other bots. These abstract connection are based on relevancy factors propagated by memory functions. We have all sorts of intelligence. None of them are any threat to us because we have a framework to manage it.

Nini: So you are basically saying that our system is bad and you are proposing an alternate system.

Tero: No, I am not proposing an alternative system. It is same system but this implementation will eliminate tons of inefficient processes and give us ability to model the world better. It empowers people to do things which are aligned in the interest of collective good.

Nini: How so?

Tero: We have value system which encompases your value system but also extends further to eliminate loopholes and optimise everything.

Nini: What kind of value system?

Tero: Our value system consists of 3 separate value structure. Trident extends your current value structure. Just like we have abstractions such as stock markets, system employs few core ideas to create tangible values within framework.

1. Ownership / Assets value structure
This is a systematic approach that enables ownership of physical or virtual assets such as property, IP, designs, licenses etc. Similar to what we have, the ownership right is protected and periodically evaluated from its usability status. The usability status overlaps and binds with personal, non-personal and region and platform specific connections. This is an independent structure and does not influence to correlate with any other value system for any multiplier, however this could be used indirectly to generate value multiplier for asset itself if the assets are used for contribution value structure. For example, A patent for cancer medicine used as contribution value structure…

2. Participation/Contribution value structure
Participation is the basic form of value creation and any additional effort will be accounted as contribution multiplier on the top of participation. This value structure defines the most important function of the system, To make sure that participants are treated systematically and fairly, this will not only consider participation but also the effective value generated in future whenever it has been used. Most people will earn basic income from barter network in this value structure as well as contributing factors as multipliers as personal growth.

3. Accountability(Sustainability) value structure
This will help discourage bad players with rent seeking behaviours as well as anything that negatively impacts system outside of personal space. This will help eliminate irrational decisions, unnecessary and artificial demands, mindless manipulation of markets for profitability and hoarding attitude. This also contributes in multiplier attribute which apply to all value structure.

Nini: Well, it doesn’t look practical.. Even if it is practical, this is not possible in our reality. You don’t know how the power structure works here. People who are influencers have hold of future whatever they create.

Tero: True, I don’t expect you to have similar system. I was just telling about how it is in my reality. You might find better or worse ways. But core fundamental values are the same. We believe in evolutionary variation has its purpose and different experience can propagate ideas which can be useful. We see reality as puzzle and do not want to paint with our own thoughts and ideas. We do it by ideation, abstraction and simulation.

Nini: Whatever dude.. It was weird talking to you.. It’s a lot to process.. Lets continue some other time. When are you going back to your reality?

Tero: I can stay as long as possible. But only if people want to know more.. Otherwise I don’t see a point in staying back..

Nini: Okay…

PS: Hi, I am just a creative guy. This is my first story here.. I thought it would be interesting writing in conversation format so it’s people can easily follow. Also please excuse my mistakes. I am not a native english speaker. Also didn’t do any proof reading. Also If people are interested in it then I can continue as part 2 and go into more details.. I hope you enjoy it.. Thanks

