An Artist’s View on the MetaMetaverse

5 min readMar 11, 2022


MetaMetaverse is a platform for creating your own metaverse. Each metaverse functions as a virtual society and has its own games, interactive experiences, economy, and governance. These metaverses are constructed with metameta lang, the layer 1 protocol for metaverse interoperability.

Joel Dietz and digital artist Ogar in Dubai

Digital architect, advisor, and MetaMetaverse collaborator, it doesn’t take much to see that voxel artist Ogar is hyped for the launch of this great project. We caught up to talk about his part in the MetaMetaverse, how users will define it and why people should get excited to engage in this incredible new immersive world.

Ogar’s view on NFTs and the metaverse

If you’ve been keeping up with the blockchain saga of late, you will know that NFTs largely consume the majority of attention. Of course, this is as controversial as any new money making idea would be. But beyond aping on monkey pictures and accusing artists of money laundering, there is a subculture of innovation happening that is quintessentially of-our-time.

No one would agree more than the particularly talented Ogar. As an advisor to the MetaMetaverse team, he has a keen and laser focused understanding of what this universe means to the future of the decentralized metaverse space. “Nesting” he says “is the most important aspect of the MetaMetaverse for me.”

Nesting, for those who don’t know, is the ability to scale digital landscapes.

The MetaMetaverse comes down to minimalist style which allows the artist to do so much with so little. It is clear that the team has prioritized the ease-of-use aspect of this canvas. Both for the pragmatic shaping of it and the dynamic interplay between owners of land and those who enter them.

Ogar’s art work

A real digital artist

As a voxel artist, Ogar is excited to watch this young project blossom. He has been producing voxel art for a long time now and to have a universe built on these concepts gives himself personally a whole new artistic outlook. He says that this is a golden opportunity for all digital artists, with the only limitation being an internet connection.

The idea of a digital world built on cubes means that anyone can join in and anything is possible. Ranging from levels 0 to 2, with 0 being the basic ‘building block size’ and 2 being the entire world within the universe itself, “It works kind of like Roblox, a popular voxel game” Ogar says. Though the MetaMetaverse has the same voxel appeal as Minecraft, Roblox is a better comparison when talking about it. This is because of the game mechanics and marketplaces of the open world setting.

Similar to other world building game, Roblox allows you to build your own game and have other users enjoy it. This of course works both ways.

‘It is hard to gauge the potential for the average person, but it will likely come down to utility’ he goes on. ‘As the community in the MetaMetaverse grows, so too will the expectations and needs of that community.’ We can imagine that people will initially enter the space for fun, but as time goes on, the various worlds could be used for online events, young learning experiences, and a place for artists like Ogar to express themselves. As well as gameplay, of course.

Ogar at immersive show MetaMetaverse

Ogar and the MetaMetaverse team

Ogar also speaks highly of the team itself. Joel Dietz approached Ogar when building the MetaMetaverse, knowing of Joel’s track record in crypto tech, being the founding architect of MetaMask and working on Ethereum in the early 2010s, Ogar knows that we are in good hands. Joel is a digital artist too, and with his vision, Ogar expects that this will be a turning point for metaverse technology. ‘It is still hard, however, to imagine how far and wide this project will expand, it is dynamic enough that anything is possible.’

“It all starts with passionate, well meaning people coming together, the scope of the project will develop from there.” Ogar expresses his excitement to be in the project from the ground floor and says that, looking forward, it will be hard to perceive exactly how far things will develop, but certainly it has the potential to explode in a major way.

This is especially true for digital artists such as himself.

Being a veteran of the digital arts, Ogar is not naive. He knows that there are older NFT projects, even ones that incorporate land ownership and asset marketplaces. We can look at some of the big ones like TheSandbox or Decentraland for instance. The problem with these projects is that they gave us our first look into this world and as a result they have to deal with issues like scalability and unforeseen bugs.

Ogar knows that with the foresight and ingenuity of this team, we are looking at the first functional example of a real digital universe.

Ogar at immersive show MetaMetaverse

Underlying potential

The opportunity to create and share your work within a new medium is a step forward; it goes beyond the idea of NFTs as they are thought about today. This is an interactive form of art, a space and a community that can engage with each other, without the need to spend an Ether or two on a digital image.

Not that there isn’t money to be made. Property can catch a pretty high price when you consider its foot traffic, content and necessity. But the refreshing thing is that with an inclusive and fun environment that is open to all, anyone can get together in the MetaMetaverse.

So the moral of the story here is this, if you are interested, as an artist, a potential land investor, or even just someone who is genuinely curious, check out the MetaMetaverse, you’re surely in for a great surprise.

Be sure to follow us on our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Discord, Telegram and Medium platforms or check out our website as soon as you can to find out more about the MetaMetaverse!




MultiversalME is a platform for creating your metaverse, functioning as a virtual society with its own games, interactive experiences, economy, and governance.