Metalanguage and the Future of the Metaverse

5 min readMar 10, 2022


MetaMetaverse is a platform for creating your own metaverse. Each metaverse functions as a virtual society and has its own games, interactive experiences, economy, and governance. These metaverses are constructed with metameta lang, the layer 1 protocol for metaverse interoperability.

The MetaMetaverse team caught up with Matt York, a metalanguage expert who believes that the future of the space is in simplifying the language itself. Matt envisions a future of connectivity between metaverses and a common language to bring them together. In the short interview we had, we discussed these ideas and his opinion of how this new technology will develop going forward.

Metalanguage and the future of the metaverse

Where we are now

In his view of the current state of the metaverse, we live within a visual and spatial medium. We have the understanding and tech to traverse the virtual worlds in coded movement and visual display. We are however lacking a common language to bring it all together as a rounded experience. So does Matt imagine that in future we will have a ‘lingua franca’ for the metaverse?

This is something that Matt sees as an essential step for the growth of the concept of metaverses. Fundamentally, this cannot be a language limited to developers and coders he insists. It needs to be a pragmatic language that is relatable to users too. He states that we need to create tools and systems in which anyone can create their own worlds and games by remixing primitive elements.

To give an example, Matt brings up the Minecraft world and the simplicity of its design.

Building blockchain with fun

Matt has experimented with Minetest, an open-sourced program giving creators a space to develop games and virtual spaces in a similar way to the game Minecraft. He explains that Minetest allows for plugins and extensions to connect different servers. He feels that bringing this connectivity to the metaverse will be a game changer.

While we discuss the very real possibility of everyday people creating their own connected worlds, we ask about the very real problem that has dogged blockchain from the start. In a rapidly developing industry like this one, won’t it be a steep learning curve for people? Will the amount of new information not put off someone who doesn’t quite get it?

Matt is well aware that the state of things can be a little mind blowing for people who aren’t already involved. But just as with the wider crypto space, we need to be forward thinking and develop tools that will be applicable and easily adopted by the masses. We need to avoid focusing on the big concepts up front and work on finding the things that automatically connect the users to the product.

Just as is the case with the highly successful game Minecraft.

When it comes to the marketing of these products, Matt stresses that development teams tend to look at things from a strictly profit driven perspective, going for ‘what sells’. His opinion is that with this new immersive concept, we should take more of a videogame approach, ‘what is fun’ instead of what sells. People are creative creatures and want to be part of the conversation. This is why we need a common metaverse language he stresses.


Creating a name

Matt likes many of the core concepts behind the MetaMetaverse project. He says that the cross-platform approach fits in with the current climate. The connectivity of the project’s mechanics work well with what is already going on in the crypto scene, but branding, he insists, will be key to moving forward.

We discussed Facebook’s approach to the metaverse. Of course, rebranding in the way they did, they hope to position themselves as market leaders. Matt being a blockchain believer feels that open-sourced tech will still compete in a major way. Creating a community run by the community is what we hope to bring to modern culture through blockchain, which is why we need to provide our users with a sense of inclusion.

A good head on its shoulders

He goes on to say that with blockchain projects, especially ones as ambitious as MetaMetaverse, there needs to be a true leader to guide the conversation. There needs to be a sense of community consensus, but with objectives that are clear and on track. Early centralization, within this scope, will be essential in creating the bedrock of the project as a whole.

With the success and background of a guy like Joel Dietz, the MetaMetaverse could be on track to achieving that decentralized dream.

The concept of the metaverse has already shown the money-making potential of this new tech. Now people are going to be looking for those market leaders that can put money back in the pockets of their investors. As in any case, the earlier you’re in, the more you stand to gain. With the goal of a common language in place, the MetaMetaverse stands out as one of the most promising open-sourced projects today.

Burj al Arab in the MetaMetaverse

Final thoughts

It is an ambitious start to a very headstrong project. In terms of goals, it’s clear that the MetaMetaverse is going for the stars, and with leadership that has a proven track record, now is the time to start looking into early investment.

As far as the lingua franca of the metaverse goes, it is as ambitious as it was back when it was first conceived as an idea for language itself. It will take a good long time for us to come to an agreement, but until then we can all agree that accessibility to these tools will be the key to mass adoption.

Based on this conversation with Matt, it seems that some of the best language architects are coming together to work towards the goal of an open-sourced competitor to the corporate metaverses. An alternative built on the principles of community and fun.

Which is the kind of thing that we all hope for.

Be sure to follow us on our Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Discord, Telegram and Medium platforms or check out our website as soon as you can to find out more about the MetaMetaverse!




MultiversalME is a platform for creating your metaverse, functioning as a virtual society with its own games, interactive experiences, economy, and governance.