Metaprints Announces The First 10 Planned ‘Genesis’ Brand Partnerships

2 min readDec 18, 2021


December 18th — Today Metaprints finally reveals our list of 10 incredible ‘Genesis’ brand partners participating in our INO series of Genesis Metaprint NFTs. The 10 brands are the foundational partnerships that will launch the Metaprints proof-of-concept, playing an integral role in demonstrating how our unique Create-to-Earn business model enables brands to accelerate their metaverse participation.

The ten brands are: Polygon Studios, Ankr, MANTRA DAO, Phala, Kylin, Darwinia, Bifrost, Bounce, Crust and Bondly.

These partnerships will see Metaprints launch a limited edition Genesis Metaprint NFT for each brand, with only 1,000 of each NFT available to buy. The Metaprints team will then create a series of 3 branded asset classes for each partner brand.

Once completed, these branded assets will be made available for sale in Q1 of 2022 throughout our unique network of some of the most well-known metaverse projects.

20% of the rewards generated from these branded asset sales will then be distributed to Genesis Metaprint NFT holders quarterly, ensuring that holders remain a fundamental stakeholder in the process, and continue to benefit from their brand’s success.They will also gain priority access to any branded item sales on each metaverse platform where it is possible to do so, ensuring that their support for their chosen brand continues to be rewarded through an opportunity to own the products created.

To get your hands on a Gensis Metaprint from one of our 10 incredible brand partners make sure to take part in the MetaPrints INO events taking place from Dec. 18, 2021, on Solanium, Chainboost by ChainGuardians, DuckDAO, ScaleSwap, Mask, Zendit by Mantra DAO and the Bondly Launchpad.

Stay tuned to our social channels over the next few days as we continue to release AMAs, previews and more information about our INO!

About Metaprints

Metaprints is the gateway for brands to accelerate their presence in numerous metaverse ecosystems in one simple step. Backed by Animoca Brands, Metaprints has a unique network of the biggest metaverse projects in the space that allows them to facilitate the creation and curation of branded assets across multiple platforms through one partnership.

Metaprint NFTs are branded asset ‘blueprints’ sold to buyers to facilitate the creation of the 3D assets required in the metaverse platforms by some of the best animation specialists. Creators and brands also receive a share of future revenue for assets created, ensuring everyone through the chain benefits from the model.

The Metaprints INO, featuring ‘Genesis’ metaprints for 10 well-known brands, will be taking place in December 2021. Follow the project community channels for more information.

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