3 min readApr 14, 2022


Main takeaways:

  • Metarrior and X8 Guild have formed a lifetime partnership, aiming to bring Metarrior closer to the crypto gaming community as well as further facilitate the growth and expansion of the crypto game market domestically and globally.
  • X8 Guild is one of the most well-built DAO-based Play-To-Earn gaming guilds at the moment, promising a great opportunity for players, investors to maximize the benefits for all sides thanks to NFT-games.

We are so hyped that we can’t wait to tell you, Metarrior and X8 Guild have established a mutually beneficial collaboration, promising to help Metarrior come familiar to the crypto gaming community even more, therefore, being able to boost the crypto game market’s growth and expansion both domestically and internationally.

X8 Guild is DAO-based Play-to-Earn gaming guild that strives forwards its top goal of bringing players, investors and GameFi games together, while ensuring to maximize benefits for everyone at the same time via blockchain-based technologies. As a matter of fact, they have been taking steps toward this honorable goal by offering scholarship and educational opportunities to gamers, while also providing a healthy community as well as a software platform so that everyone can connect and enjoy top NFT-games together.

This partnership is another huge milestone of Metarrior on its journey to success. X8 Guild will provide its heartfelt support as well as its enthusiastic community as a boost for Metarrior to get closer to its goal of being one of the top NFT-games on the market. In return, Metarrior is willing to share its resources and its vast network of strong partners to X8 Guild, so that both sides can strive forwards together to accomplish what has been set out and beyond.

About Metarrior

Metarrior is a unique NFT RPG Game with a new approach to the match-3 puzzle games. Metarrior renovates the conventional Role-playing game (RPG) by blending itself with blockchain technology and allowing gamers experience a new sensation while playing.

Metarrior players advance through story quests, for which their character or party of characters gain experience that improves various attributes and abilities. The quests could be as easy as solving the match-3 puzzle or as challenging and exciting as going through PvP mode, combating against other players.

Metarrior’s Official Channels:

Website | Twitter | Telegram ANN | Telegram Global | Medium | Facebook | Linktree

About X8 Guild

X8 Guild is DAO-based Play-to-Earn gaming guild that brings players, investors and NFT Games together to maximize benefits for all three parties via blockchain-based economies.

As the community-centric gaming guild, X8 Guild provides scholarship and educational opportunities, community, and software platform to enable everyone to connect, enjoy games, earn and build the Metaverse while maximizing benefits. We are here with you on the great journey to Metaverse.

X8 Guild’s Official Channels:

Website | Twitter | Discord | Facebook Fanpage | Facebook Group | Youtube | Telegram ANN | Telegram Group | Linktree

Written by Khanh Ly




a 2nd generation NFT game, a Match-3 Puzzle RPG NFT Game.