#1 FAQ

2 min readNov 18, 2021


Sorry to keep everyone waiting, our very first FAQ is now activated!

Recently, we have collected the most asked questions from Metasens players.

We sincerely hope this compilation can answer your question.

But if not, the door of Metasens Universe channels is always open for you guys!

Here we go!


I have heard enough of Metasens Universe. Just wonder when will I witness your “Magnificent NFT Games?”

We sincerely apologize for causing your inconvenience. But we also bring you fantastic news!

The first NFT game will have been released by the end of this year! However, we have empowered it with various elements. For instance, we add eSports elements into it, which means we will have PVP mode in it. Numerous unique equipment will be released soon. Please wait and see!


May I ask how to purchase your NFT products?

You can purchase our NFT product with your Ethereum wallet. In the future, we will add more payment methods!


I wonder what your team behind NFT games is.

For now, we have released the information of our teammates on our official website!

Please click this link for the detailed information:


Will you hold any on-site activity?

Yes, we have been preparing a grand on-site activity in the future. For now, we will put this on hold because we are developing the Metasens Universe in full swing.


Can we NFT players trade privately in your game planets?

Yes, we will put the marketplace in the Metasens Universe later. Each NFT player can trade or exchange their NFT products on their own.


Cool, can I ask how much your transaction tax is? Please don’t be too expensive.

The transaction tax will be announced when the marketplace is open. Our teammates are now discussing it. We hope to bring every NFT player the best gaming experience.




Metasens Is the theme park in the metaverse, which features various amusement facilities.