Announcement on the Suspension and Penalty List for the Fourth Pre-season of MetaSnake

3 min readJun 7, 2022


Dear players:

In order to maintain a fair game environment for MetaSnake, the operation team has been committed to combating the use of illegal acts or third-party software and other auxiliary programs to compete for ranking points. During the fourth pre-season, the team has conducted in-depth investigations on accounts with abnormal data. The investigation results and penalties are now announced as follows:

  1. The following accounts were discovered to have made multiple uses of third-party software and other auxiliary programs during the fourth pre-season:

Penalty: Account suspension for 7 days
懲處:帳號停權 7 天


2. The following accounts were discovered to have used the third-party software and other auxiliary programs during the fourth pre-season:

Penalty: Account suspension for 3 days
懲處:帳號停權 3 天


3. The following accounts were discovered to have an abnormal data records during the fourth pre-season:

Penalty: Disqualified from the fourth pre-season leaderboard reward


The leaderboard of the fourth pre-season will also be adjusted accordingly. Other players’ rankings will be supplemented in order and the rewards will be distributed on 6/9. We’d like to sincerely thank all the players for their patience. The official also reiterates here that third-party software and other auxiliary applications must not be used under any circumstances. The team will continue to observe all the behaviors that jeopardize the game’s fairness, and we kindly request the players to follow the game’s rules and regulations.
第四預前賽季排行榜名單亦會作出相應調整,其他玩家的排名會按序遞補,排行榜獎勵將統一於 6/9 發放,衷心感謝各位玩家的耐心。官方也在此重申,切勿存有僥倖心態嘗試或使用輔助程式進行遊戲,團隊會繼續嚴厲打擊破壞遊戲公平的行為,也請玩家們共同遵守遊戲營運條款。

*Please cherish your account, and do not try to use friends’ recommendations or download the third-party software and other auxiliary programs. Additionally, without noticing or forgetting to exit the program is also considered as illegal behavior.

*If you have any questions about the above investigation results and penalty, please visit Discord for customer service assistance within 48 hours:
*對於上述調查結果及懲處有任何疑問,請於 48 小時內到 Discord 尋找客服協助:

MetaSnake Team
MetaSnake 營運團隊上




Metasens Is the theme park in the metaverse, which features various amusement facilities.