Staking Ranking Round Rules

2 min readDec 3, 2021


2,500 blind boxes are waiting to be opened! It takes 0.08 ETH to open the blind box.

Once you pay 0.08 ETH, you will get one ticket. Perhaps you will ask what I should do with the tickets I got for this activity.
Well, you can use them to buy more blind boxes or save them to keep your rank in the Staking Ranking Round!

Reminder: Tickets for everyone to hold can be no more than 10 tickets, which means the blind boxes you can purchase are up to 10 boxes.
However, the amount of ETH you can pay on Staking is not limited.

The reason why we say so is that once our blind boxes are out of stock, we will distribute the blind boxes based on the amount of ETH you have spent on the Staking.

Here comes another question, what if two players happened to spend the same amount of ETH on it? By that time, we will judge it by the priority of staking timing.

But don’t you worry, there would be a guaranteed blind box if you at least held 6 tickets (Spent 0.48 ETH on Staking)

Be warned: Only when the deal is clinched, we will ask you to pay for it. It means once you only successfully buy one blind box. We will only ask you to pay 0.08 ETH. The residue will be refunded.

The other thing you shall pay attention to is once there are 2,500 hold more than 8 tickets (spent 0.48 ETH on Staking), which means the blind boxes are sold out. By that time, we will close this activity off immediately.

METASENS reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove this activity.




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