Lego Build 107 — Marauder IIC

Francisco Duarte
3 min readAug 23, 2023


If you like what I do you can leave me a tip on my Ko-fi account — I’m developing additional Battletech-inspired stuff over there. Or check the store for original fiction and RPGs. I also have more gaming-related stuff around the internet should you want to check it out. For now, let’s talk about one of the most requested builds I ever had and one of my favorite Clan ‘Mechs — the Marauder IIC.

When the Clans got settled on their new worlds beyond the Inner Sphere, they found the need to upgrade and grow their armed forces. Thus, among those first few programs were a series of projects aimed at improving the older Star League-era designs. The Marauder was evidently one of the prioritary models.

This venerable and highly respected machine was powerful and one of the most influential BattleMechs ever. However, it did have some issues. Armor could be stronger, the linkage of the dorsal autocannon was suceptible to potentially disastrous damage, and the heat sinks struggled to keep the machine cool during intense fights. Still, the Marauder’s ability to dish out impressive damage from afar and it mobility for its weight class showed the breath of potential it still had.

Thus, Clan scientists worked on ways to bring out this massive additional potential. Ten more tons were added to the Marauder, essentially turning it into an assault machine at 85 tons. The new technologies used in the redesign also allowed for the implementation of more armor and heat sinks, essentially erasing the main issues with the original machine.

The weapons were also modified. The particle cannons were upgraded to extended range models, while the autocannon was replaced by a third particle cannon. The lasers in the arms were upgraded to pulse models and four small lasers were added to the torso. This turned the now dubbed Marauder IIC into an incredibly deadly machine at all ranges, while lacking any internal ammo for enemies to capitalize on.

Introduced in the Inner Sphere during the 3048 invasion, this machine proved to a terrifying opponent. Incredibly enough, at this point it was being supplanted by newer machines, especially Omnimechs like the Warhawk. Nevertheless, many Clanner pilots would prefer to ride the Marauder IIC into battle instead of leaving it behind in garrison duty like other IIC machines, captivated by its incredible performance.

The Jade Falcons were especially enthusiastic users, although the machine could be seen in the arsenals of Clans like the Nova Cats and the Ghost Bears, in their case being at the forefront of the harduous battles against the Word of Blake.

This model uses only 72 parts, which is quite impressive given how big it is. It should be of medium difficulty to put together. I’m especially happy with the arms and if you make my prior Marauder model I believe you should trade that one’s arms for these.

Let me know what you think and now go out there play games and enjoy your lives, folks!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: