Lego Build 128 — Engineering Vehicle

Francisco Duarte
3 min readJun 10, 2024


The work on the compilation file is going at a surprisingly steady pace. The experience I’ve gained with the Homeworld compilation files has helped quite a lot and made me contemplate on future documents and how small or big I should make them. All in all, Blake’s War: Battle for Artru sits currently at 40% completion. In the end it will contain 30+ models of vehicles, aircraft, and ‘Mechs, plus a good bit of my AU lore.

What I share with you people today is one of the models that you’ll find in that document. A simple vehicle with horrifying possibilities.

Engineering vehicles exist all over the Inner Sphere. The vast majority of them are equipped for sapper roles, so they can help build roads, structures, and so on. A small number of them mount a battery of vehicle flamers so they can be used to clear vegetation.

However, in the Taurian military in my Blake’s War AU, these machines also function as improvised anti-infantry tools. The idea is that in close quarters these flamers would easily clear enemy infantry from trench lines, buildings, and other fortifications. Although they lack proper armor, allied infantry would defend them in those engagements, while they perform their grisly work.

The Taurians went for this approach in part due to the lack of resources. Forced to use whatever they had at hand to complement their war machine, using these vehicles in mop up operations would free actual combat units for other roles. In the Artru campaign these engineering vehicles would be used in numbers, even in direct combat duties when things got rough. They performed well, although many were lost.

The model is simple, even though it uses 47 parts. I think the end result is quite good, industrial but still striking.

Check my other work, be it instructions compilations, RPG modules, or original works. Also, please consider paying me a coffee too to keep this insanity going.

And then go out there play games and enjoy your lives!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: