Lego Build 66 — Hammerhead

Francisco Duarte
1 min readJul 31, 2022


NOTE: For those following me, I’m sorry if my output becomes a bit more erratic from now on, but several issues in my personal life have been draining me quite a bit. I still intend to upload stuff, but it may happen when I get a chance, rather than at a regular time. At least until further notice.

Fitting number for today’s build. I won’t be writing much today. I’m just… tired… of everything. But had this build around for you people for a while. It wouldn’t be polite of me not to share.

My favorite faction from Jihad forward has been the bling Clan, the Sea Foxes. So, the new popular machine on their colors would have to be a given.

Shouldn’t be hard to make, and it uses mostly common parts. 57 parts total, quite a dozy for such a small build! Let me know your thoughts.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: