Lego Set 14 — Warhammer

Francisco Duarte
2 min readMay 23, 2021


Heat spiked as the Particle Projection Cannon unleashed yet another bolt. The blue thread of ionized particles whipped at the flank of the incoming Black Hawk. It shattered the weakened armor plate, melting the internal structure and punching through the back. Flames ascended into the heavens as the right arm of the Clanner machine flew out of the socket. The Black Hawk staggered sideways but refused to go down.

The white WHM-6R Warhammer wasn’t faring that much better anyhow. Adept Marshall Wakiki moved his machine towards an outcropping of rocks nearby, trying to find some cover against the inevitable response while finding some breathing room to lose some heat.

For days the ComGuards have been fighting the detestable Steel Vipers in the narrow valleys of Devil’s Bath. Casualties have been mounting on both sides, and at every single moment, the balance of the fighting seemed to lean towards either side. However, Wakiki and his comrades could not falter. The fate of Terra hung in the balance in that backwater world of Tukayyid, where the greatest battle of the war was being fought.

Having found the short respite he needed, Wakiki’s ‘Mech cooled down a notch. And not too soon - his sensors alerted him of the incoming presence. The Black Hawk was back, hopping on its jump jets, coming down over the rocks covering his machine. The lasers on the remaining arm of the Clanner machine were spewing threads of amplified light into the thin armor of the Warhammer.

Gritting his teeth, Wakiki raised his particle cannons and readied himself for another volley.

The Warhammer is one of THE classics of the BattleTech universe. One of the original ‘Mechs for the game, it is a reliable machine, which can be counted on to leave a mark on the battlefield. There’s a balance between maneuverability, armor, and firepower that few other ‘Mechs of the same class and timeline can offer.

In the lore, it was among what can be called the second generation of BattleMechs, being a development of a line of machines created by the Federated Suns after they gained the knowledge about how to build these titans.

This model has around 60 parts. It does stand well on its own, but I like to change some parts on the legs and place it on a base. I’m really happy with how it looks, being quite impressive, despite its size.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: