Random Lego Set — Thrust (REDLINE)

Francisco Duarte
3 min readAug 18, 2021


Hi, everyone. Today I come to you with a request. As many of you are probably aware, I have been involved in the Redline TCG community for a while now, even creating Lego builds based on that game’s mechs — called “efreets.” This game is good fun and has a rich lore and backstory behind it.

This week, the Kickstarter campaign for the first expansion for the game was launched. Having been speaking regularly with the game’s creator, I am now involved in the creation of a short novel based on this amazing setting. But I need your help. In order to gather the momentum to make this story a reality I need you to share this post as much as you can. Unfortunately, for small indie projects like this visibility is everything, and without your help, our ambitions may not come to pass.

There is also a Twitter post that will help me more directly — if shared 100 times, the fiction part of the Kickstarter campaign will be unlocked. Please, if you can, share it far and wide.

The story will involve a pilot lost behind enemy lines, a mother looking for her son, nerve-wrenching firefights, and epic giant robot action — all coated in a layer of believability provided by the lore of this near-future world. I have great hopes for this.

As a game, Redline is a fun and fast trading card game. You build your decks with the weapons and efreets you have, looking for the right synergy that will grant you the victory. Then, you and your adversary fight over objective cards, while resolving attacks and missions simultaneously. It is a great concept that garnered a good deal of success in its debut Kickstarter campaign a year ago, and which will hopefully be repeated with this expansion.

The world behind it is also really fascinating. The fight against climate change and inequality leads to the ascension of an alliance between Middle Eastern and South American nations — BRIMEA. This new faction leads the world for some decades, ushering in an era of massive prosperity and technological advancement. However, greed and ambition will lead to BRIMEA’s downfall, as their old allies turn against them. In the turmoil of betrayal and conflict, the crop of BRIMEA’s population leaves the Solar System to colonize the stars, leaving a ruined Earth for those left behind.

Meanwhile, Chinese and Russian nationals have colonized Mars, while Earth folds into a multinational alliance to fight off threats and reorganize after the prior devastation. Thus, the Crimson Pact of Mars and the United Nations of Earth are born. Now, both these factions are engaged in a conflict for dominance and survival, over the ruins of the civilization that could have been.

The year is 2060, and the Redlines between opposing factions are drawn in the sand with blood and broken steel.

This is the world of Redline. This is the universe that can spawn a thousand amazing stories.

Allow me to bring forth the first novella to take place in this world. Share this post, share the Twitter link, and keep an eye on us.

Thank you.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine