So happy to see people using my sets

Francisco Duarte
2 min readApr 8, 2021


Today I had the most heartwarming news regarding the work I’ve been doing with this blog that I could have had — people are using my builds to have fun. Mika Metsätähti, who has been a consistent, amazing creator for the Mobile Frame Zero community and a fellow BattleTech fan has made some of my builds.

I’m so happy to see people having fun with the silly stuff I’ve been working on.

The things he says about these tiny mechs actually made me grin like a madman. These are mechs that I have been familiar with for decades, ever since I became a fan, twenty-five years ago. I just tried to make them simple and neat. Always had few parts to work on, so economy was mandatory. Even when some good friends donated their Legos to me, I had to find ways to economize parts so I could build the things I wanted (thanks, David and Rogério, from the bottom of my heart).

The perceived weight and bulkiness are a side-product of that process. On the other hand, they allow these sets to become what I intended - which is to have cheap, good-looking models that you can use on your wargames or to put on your shelves without any issue. Lego art, in a way.

So, if you’re making these models, let me know! I’m happy to see them, and the colors you use and why.

Thanks, Mika!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: