Tiny Warship 05 — Black Lion II Cruiser

Francisco Duarte
3 min readFeb 2, 2023


As I delve deeper into the remade warships, I bring you another oldie from this blog — the Black Lion Block II. I should first admit that I was quite proud, and still am, of the original build I’ve made. However, I think the new one is actually really neat.

Also, quite tiny.

In BattleTech lore, the Black Lion is a powerful ship meant for close-in engagements. For this function, it is equipped with eight triple autocannon turrets which give it a very respectable broadside. It was a common design in the Star League Defense Force, being taken by Kerensky in the Exile from the Inner Sphere. Such ships were later refurbished by the Clans, which led to their current looks.

In the fan-made TRO Delranes Fighting Ships the two rather distinct shapes of the Black Lion are retconed as different blocks of the ship. The logic behind this is that the differences between the two of them are far too great to represent mere refurbishments, so if the ships always looked like they do now it would make much more sense. And I agree with this — it would be hard for the ramrod-like shape of the original Black Lion to lead to the wedge hull that is the Clan version through simple bolted-on additions.

So, this is, instead, a SLDF Black Lion II.

It is really easy to make and takes only 37 parts, plus the base. The central keel section should be rather solid, making for a sturdy model. To represent the triple turrets I simply used the 1x1 round plates. Bar plates looked far too big and silly and the barrels should be within the turrets anyway.

Hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts!

Oh, and one last thing. I do have a Kofi account, so if you want to help me out in keeping the lights on and divert more time to make these builds you could always pay me a coffee. Every penny counts and it really makes a difference at the end of the month. Furthermore, if I get enough aid I can contract some original art for the projects I am currently working, in the vein of Insanity Everlasting.

So, thank you for helping out, or for simply coming by. I appreciate every one of you. :)



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine