Tiny Warship 17 — Atreus Battleship

Francisco Duarte
3 min readDec 7, 2023


Continuing this series, I’ll bring you one of my favorite models among those I’ve already made (and many of which you haven’t seen yet). Using just 49 parts, it is a relatively large model for this series, just shy of being as large as the McKenna. Comes in Free Worlds League (FWL) colors as the Atreus was their mainstay warship, alongside the smaller League-class, which shall come in due time too.

Developed at the end of the so-called Age of War, the Atreus’ development was fueled by the economic development of the FWL at the time. The end result was a fast, well-armed battleship able to compete even with models coming from the powerful Terran Hegemony. During the following centuries it remained the mainstay of the FWL. When the Succession Wars started, after the collapse of the Star League, it was still a potent warship that led fleets into the heart of enemy formations.

Alas, the terrible attrition of these conflicts led to the destrution of all nations’ warship stockpiles and by the Third Succession War all vessels had been lost. In fact, by this point most warships in the Inner Sphere had vanished already, leading to the end of their era and the establishment of the BattleMech as the real defining element of the battlefield, a reality that would never truly change despite attemtps to do so in later eras. Simply put, warships were too expensive to be made in the numbers they once had and the limited numbers made during the 31st century couldn’t justify the cost.

With the recent announcement of the new edition of One Page Rules’ space wargame Warfleets, my intererst in making fleets themed around the Inner Sphere by the time of the end of the Star League was renovated. Should the available factions allow it I would like to model each BattleTech faction of the time in their guise so people could play games with these models. Likewise, making some listings for Intercept Orbit and maybe Orion’s Gate would be a fun perspective.

On that note, I’ve been thinking about the last year, what I wanted to do and what I actually achieved. That ought to warrant a post in the next few days, so stay tuned.

Paying me a coffee in my Ko-fi account does help me keep up with these posts. This last year was harrowing and those who helped me out truly changed things a bit for me and my family. You can also support me by checking the gaming content I’ve put out during the last few years. I truly want to keep doing stuff for you people, so keep an eye on this place.

Now go out there play games and enjoy your lives!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine