Warship Build 1 & 2 — Redux

Francisco Duarte
2 min readNov 24, 2021


So, this is a bit of a cheat, but I have been contemplating my WarShip sets. I came to the conclusion that the scale I was using was far too large. Given that I am taking inspiration from BattleTech for these builds, that meant that the larger models would be far too unwieldy. Thus, I have decided to shrink the scale a bit more. Until now, each 1x1 brick represented a length of 50 meters. From now on, each will represent 75 meters. This means that a 400-meter long Fox Corvette will now be six bricks long instead of eight. I have thus remade the first two models accordingly.

I genuinely think that the models ended up actually looking better than they originally did. The Fredasa especially is looking quite nifty if I may say so.

This scale has other advantages. The parts count is smaller. The Fox now takes 12 parts, plus the base, while the Fredasa takes 18 parts plus the base. Models I have in store for the future also take around half of the parts they originally did, which is a plus. This means more ships for fewer Legos. It also aids me in keeping with the theme of using easily available parts for the builds, which I think is good for most of us.

On a final note in this regard - this may also be a good compromise between size and detail. You can easily recognize the vessels, whilst having ease of handling and parts economy.

Less see how it goes.

As before, the designs are mostly drawn from Delranes Fighting Ships fan-made TRO, by Steve Cross.

Furthermore, I may keep with Warship Wednesdays. What do you think? Is it a good day for this kind of stuff?

Regarding the colors. I have decided to retain the Federated Suns colors for the Fox, whilst changing the Fredasa into a Jade Falcon scheme. The latter is more appealing in my opinion, and easy to make at this scale. Evidently, you can use whichever scheme you wish. These builds are also meant as inspiration for your own creations. I am taking cues from BattleTech, you can take cues from mine and do your own thing. If you do, I would love to see what you came up with.

More ships coming soon. Hopefully, next week already.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine