The Big Bang of MetaV Universe

2 min readSep 2, 2021


In 2021 AD, the top geeks on Earth created and launched an epochal creation in human history — the virtual world “MetaV.” Since then, human beings have gradually emigrated from the Earth to MetaV in the next 100 years. In parallel, people also uploaded all human civilizations into MetaV. To expand human society, people created eight planets and the Solar System in MetaV, similar to the real world, and happily lived in the new world.

In 3000 AD, a devastating crisis broke out in the MetaV Universe, i.e., vicious Millennium Bugs attacking MetaV (later known as “the Y3K Tragedy”). Mtopia, the highest decision-making institution in MetaV, dispatched its elite Special Forces, equipped with heavy machinery and various weapons of mass destruction, to battle with the bug army. Although human soldiers put on their best resistance, they lost. The bug army broke through the last shield protecting the “Ether Particle”, the power core of MetaV, and triggered an explosion of the Ether Particle. The explosion released enormous energy and caused the Big Bang of the MetaV Universe. Countless lives were lost, and human civilization was almost extinguished. The Millennium Bugs were close to the Ether Particle and were all burned into ashes.

Fortunately, a few people survived. They were genetically changed by the radiation from the Big Bang and evolved into different tribes on different planets. The survivors united to form a new Mtopia to lead the rebuilding of human society. Mtopia organized a Guardian troop on each planet to protect people from the left of Millennium Bugs or any other dangers.

To rebuild human civilization, Mtopia looked into the source codes of MetaV and found that, back in 2021, some wise prophets took precautions to forge the most important information pieces of human civilization into “Cryptals”, uncrackable crystal cubes, and concealed them in the most hidden spots across the universe. If these Cryptals could be found, people would largely speed up civilization’s rebuilding. Besides, some Cryptals can be very crucial to the life or death of residents on certain planets.

It is 3021 AD now, and people are working to rebuild their homeland. As a resident of MetaV, you can claim a DS1 (Discoverer1) robot to search for Cryptals; join the Guardian to protect your planet with very dope gear; contribute actively to the better-off of MetaV and potentially be elected into Mtopia, etc.

Come here and you can be whoever or whatever you want to be!

The rebuilding of MetaV after the Big Bang starts right here and right now, and we need your help to fulfill this mission…

