MetaWear Token
2 min readSep 1, 2022


Who is driving the decision-making process globally on fashion designs, colors, trends and what to wear?

What chance do new young talented designers and new-age fashion brands have against greedy hungry, wild organizations and so-called big guys of the sector?

Can decentralized fashion art change the game globally and forever?

Can fashion and textiles, on the whole, be more unrestricted, more creative, and less harmful to nature?

We are about to find the answers to all the above questions. Actually, they are the main problem of the sector and the planet Earth.

Metawear is one of the most prominent digital fashion manufacturers in the world. The company is both a digital manufacturer and strategy builder for fashion brands and textile companies.

Metawear creates a huge digital Metaverse Fashion DOME. It is a Temple of Top Fashion Designs, where talented global designers, top fashion brands, students, young artists, senior designers, and famous figures meet in one place to create, earn, trade and market their creations, designs and products.

It is an entirely decentralized world and top-notch application, where it’s possible to create, select, digitalize, finance and demonstrate by the global fashion community. In addition, crowdfunding, crowd creating, and crowd selecting can make real magic here.

As Metawear founder A.Bahadir Yener Says: “We globally unite fashion talents and now globally escalate art and designs in the temple of fashion. Let fashion art make real decisions!”

MetaWear Official Links

Official MetaWear Web:

NFT 2.0 Metaverse Fashion Mall:

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