MVC Template for Xcode: How It Can Accelerate Your Development Process

Metehan Belli
3 min read5 days ago


If you’ve come across this article, you are likely also working on optimizing development processes. So, today we will dive into the MVC template for Xcode and how it can optimize our development process.

What is MVC?

Model-View-Controller(MVC) is a fundamental design pattern used in iOS development. This pattern seperates the application into three main layer: Model, View, Controller. The Model handle database operations or network calls. The View manages user interface and user interactions. Also View defining how the application appears to the user and user interact with it. The Controller acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View, retrieving data from the Model and displaying it in the View.

MVC Diagram
MVC Diagram

So, What is MVC Template?

Okay, we produce a lot of code files every day, which takes up a lot of our time. Think about it. You create files like contract.swift, view.swift, model.swift, and viewController.swift. If you have many screens, you'll end up creating these files repeatedly. So, if you have a template, you can manage your time more efficiently. Instead of creating each file manually, you can generate them all at once, which saves a lot of time. This is a much easier way for developers.

Let’s Get Started with the Setup

  • Firstly, please check my repository link. After that, you can clone it.
  • Then, please navigate to the directory: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/. If this directory does not exist, check the ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/ directory. If you find this location, you can create a folder named Templates.
  • Create a new folder and name it whatever you like; then, enter the folder you created. This folder name will be used for your MVC templates, so make sure to remember it. The folder extension should be .xctemplate. For example, folderName.xctemplate.
  • Now, remember that we cloned the repository, and we will paste our repository files here. That’s it! You are now ready to use the template.

How Can I Create Template Files in Xcode?

  • Now, you can open any iOS project in Xcode. After that, here is my recommendation for a good file architecture: Please create a new group.
  • Now, you can go to File -> New -> File or press +N. Then, scroll down to find our template.
You Should See Something Like This.
  • Press Next, and you will see a screen like this:
Choose Name For Files.
  • Then, please enter the your module name and you should press Next and choose the template location. When you press Create, you will have an MVC template in your project.
  • Please check your folder. If you see files like these:
MVC Template Files Example
  • Congratulations! You now have a perfectly set up MVC template.


MVC templates can significantly speed up your development process in Xcode and standardize your workflow. This simple yet effective tool will help you manage your projects more efficiently and reduce repetitive tasks. Now, you can enjoy the benefits of faster and more organized project development using MVC templates.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to provide feedback, please feel free to reach out to me. You can contact me at or you can send an email to . I would be happy to assist you with any issues you may have!

