Best apps to learn English Grammar | Our editor’s choice

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english
7 min readOct 31, 2023

Hey, Grammar is Tricky, Right?

Looking for good apps to learn English grammar? You’re in the right spot! We looked at many apps and found the best ones for you. These apps make learning grammar simple.

Best apps to learn English Grammar
Best apps to learn English Grammar, Image

By the way, did you know that over 1 billion people are learning English around the world. That’s a lot, right! But, learning English can sometimes be hard and expensive. Traditional classes can get boring, and tutors can cost a lot of money.

Learning English in a classroom can be slow and might cost over $100 a month. Hiring a tutor? Even more expensive, often above $30 an hour.

Here’s a smart solution: language learning apps. These apps are much cheaper, some even free. You can learn English at your own pace, saving both time and money.

Here are our top 5 picks

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1. Metkagram: AI English Grammar Cards

Why it’s on the list: Metkagram bridges the gap for intermediate learners, offering a unique method of visual tags grammar. It’s perfect for those who wish to upload and study their own texts.

Metkagram bridges the gap for intermediate learners.

📚 Want to learn languages the smart way with Metkagram’s unique grammar cards? 🌟📖 Download the app today on Google Play — language learning app or the App Store — grammar cards and start improving your grammar! ✨

In addition,

We often underestimate the importance of tracking our progress.

By logging our lessons in this app, we get a clear picture of our learning journey.

While it’s not designed just for language learning, it’s still incredibly useful.

I’ve been using it regularly, and it’s made a big difference.

👉👉👉👉 You can download the app for to log your learning sessions.

2. Grammarly

Why it’s on the list: More than just a spell checker! Grammarly offers real-time grammar corrections, making it easier for learners to understand the intricacies of English grammar.

An image from

👉👉 Download Grammarly

3. Duolingo

Why it’s on the list: Duolingo gamifies language learning. While it covers basics, it also delves into more complex grammar structures, making it fun and educational.

An image from

👉 Download Duolingo

4. Babbel

Why it’s on the list: With a focus on conversational English, Babbel has lessons specifically dedicated to grammar, helping learners use correct structures in real-life situations.

👉 Download Babbel

5. English Grammar in Use

Why it’s on the list: Based on the popular grammar book, this app offers exercises and explanations for a wide range of grammar topics, catering especially to intermediate learners.

Download English Grammar in Use

We’ve all been there — writing that important email, crafting an Insta caption, or just trying to sound sophisticated in a chat, and boom! A sneaky grammar error slips in. Did you know that even native English speakers struggle with its intricate rules?

According to the Literacy Project Foundation, over half of English-speaking adults find it challenging to identify grammar mistakes in complex sentences. Yep, you read that right — over 50%! 📊

And, remember the wise words of Stephen King:

‘To write is human, to edit is divine.’

But let’s face it, sometimes we need a little more than divine intervention. A survey from Grammarly revealed that a whopping 85% of their users found grammar and spelling checks boosted their confidence in writing.

So, if you’ve ever thought, ‘Ugh, why can’t English be simpler?’ or ‘Is it “its” or “it’s”?’, trust us — you’re not alone! 🌍📝”

David Crystal, a renowned linguist and author, emphasizes the role of grammar in communication:

“Grammar is the backbone of a language. Without it, words would just be a random collection of sounds. It gives structure and meaning, making communication possible.” (Crystal, David. “Making Sense of Grammar.” Longman, 2004.)

Why Do So Many of Us Get Stuck with Grammar?

Ah, the age-old question! English, with all its idiosyncrasies, often leaves learners scratching their heads. let’s be real: English can be super confusing!

  • English Grammar Rules? More Like Rules + Exceptions!: Think about it. We learn one rule, but then there are exceptions. Like, why do we say ‘geese’ for many ‘goose,’ but not ‘meese’ for many ‘moose’? Crazy, right? 🤷‍♀️
  • Scared of Making Mistakes?: We all feel a bit shy or nervous about making grammar mistakes. No one wants to mix up words like ‘their’ and ‘there.’ It’s okay, we’ve all been there… or is it ‘they’re’? 😉
  • Old Ways of Learning: Remember sitting in class, bored, while the teacher talked and talked about grammar? It felt more like a chore than something fun to learn. So, it’s not a surprise if you think grammar is a bit dull.

So, why is grammar tricky? It’s not just you! English has its quirks, but with the right tools, it can be easier.”

Here are a few affirmation you can add to your learning routing. Why not? :)

  1. “Mistakes are how I learn!” Think of it like this: every time you goof up, you’re actually getting smarter. So, go ahead, make those mistakes — they’re your secret weapon to becoming a grammar ninja!
  2. “I can figure out even the trickiest grammar stuff!” Yep, even those weird rules with a million exceptions? You got this! Just take it one step at a time, and you’ll unravel those mysteries like a pro.
  3. “It’s okay to mess up — that’s how I get better!” Imagine you’re learning to ride a bike. You fall a few times, right? But each tumble teaches you how to balance better. Grammar’s the same — stumble a bit, but you’re getting stronger with every slip-up.
  4. “I’m making grammar my buddy, not my enemy!” Remember when you thought grammar was boring? Well, let’s change that! We’re turning grammar into your sidekick, your buddy on this language adventure. Together, we’ll conquer those grammar hurdles and have a blast doing it!

Seeing Grammar in a Whole New Light

Seeing is Believing: We’re all about visuals, aren’t we? Snap a picture, and bam, you’ve captured a moment. Now, think about grammar — it’s tricky and kind of like a puzzle. What if you could just see it, all laid out and easy to grasp? That’s where visual tags come into play, bringing grammar from “Huh?” to “Aha!”

A Splash of Color to Grammar: Imagine diving into a book and seeing grammar patterns pop out at you in colors and shapes. It’s like grammar is waving at you, saying, “Hey, I’m not that bad after all!” Visual tags turn the boring black and white pages into a vibrant guide, helping you spot what you need in a heartbeat.

Patterns, Patterns Everywhere: Our brains love a good pattern — it’s like finding Waldo in a crowd. Visual tags create a consistent pattern for your brain to follow, making grammar feel like second nature over time. It’s like putting on grammar glasses and seeing the world in a whole new way.

From Yawn to Yay: Let’s face it, grammar rules can make anyone yawn. But throw in some visuals, and suddenly, you’re on a grammar adventure! It’s interactive, it’s fun, and it’s something you’d actually want to do.

Remembering the Good Times: Ever notice how you remember a good movie but forget why you walked into a room? That’s the power of visuals.

Visual tags help you create mental snapshots of grammar, making it easier to recall and use when you’re out there speaking English.

One Size Fits All: We all learn differently, but visuals? They’re like the universal language of learning.

No matter how you learn best, adding a dash of visuals to your grammar learning is like adding sprinkles to ice cream — it just makes everything better.

So, why not give your grammar learning a splash of color? Trust me, your future fluent self will thank you!

Brain Sides and New Language Learning

So, Which Apps Can Make Grammar Less… Ugh?

If you’re on the hunt for the perfect app to boost your English skills, you know there’s a ton of options out there. But here’s the thing: not all apps are created equal, and finding the one that vibes with you is key.

  • So. Many. Choices.: You’ve got Memrise helping you build a killer vocab, and Duolingo turning grammar drills into a game — pretty cool, right? 🎮
  • Craving Something Deeper? But wait, what if you’re itching to really get down and dirty with grammar? That’s where apps like Metkagram come in, with their fancy visual grammar tags. 🕵️‍♀️
  • It’s All About You: Remember, this journey is all yours. The best app is the one that gets YOU and adapts to your style. No settling for one-size-fits-all here! 🙌
  • Seeing is Believing: Curious about learning grammar visually? Hey, it’s worth a shot! Visual tags might just be the game changer you’re looking for. 👀

Got Any More Tips or Fave Apps? Share in the Comments!

Alright, grammar gurus and budding word nerds, it’s your turn now! 📢

Ever stumbled upon a cool app that made you think, ‘Where have you been all my life?’ or have some epic grammar fails that gave you a chuckle?

Drop them down in the comments!

Take care and Happy Learning,

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
App to learn english

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