1 min readMay 18, 2016


Love it!! I feel like a walking distance salon that comes in at $45 total for a super adorable cut is completely reasonable. It looks much more deliberate and self-carey and less like a default choice you only half made. Fingers crossed it’s easily styleable, which it looks like it will be. Also, if you decide you need any products, I feel like the haircare post comments a while back mean many of us could send you things to try out that didn’t work for our particular hair.

My cuts for mid-back, mostly-straight/little-wavy hair are $45 pre-tip and at this point are all about cutting off dead ends every three months, since the first thing my stylist said upon my engagement was “Well we’re not going to take off any length so you have options for the wedding”.

I’m enjoying the long hair, though, because between longer hair (more room for scalp oils to spread out without getting Bucky-Barnes level lank and greasy), Moroccanoil Light (for faster drying), and dry shampoo(for de-greaseballification) I can now manage 3 days between washings, so my total active hair maintenance time has actually gone down. I did have to worry yesterday if the rain was going to create a rice flour dough in my day-3 hair, so that’s a downside I guess?

I may be a disgusting garbage creature (but I do shower at least every other day, mitigating my disgustingness — thanks, monkey shower cap!)

