How to buy tokens & referral program on METTA ICO

METTA platform
4 min readDec 6, 2017

For buying tokens on ICO (on ethereum blockchain) you need in Ethereum wallet with tokens transfer support. We recommend official ethereum wallet (mist) or online wallet — If you haven’t any ethereum wallet please visit and open wallet use following instructions:

Creating new wallet (using

  1. on click “New wallet” (it is front page of the website);
  2. enter the password;
  3. click “Click new wallet” button;
  4. after you need download keystore file, remember password for it and click “I Understand. Continue” button;
  5. On next page you’ll see your private key (We strongly recommend save it to USB flash or print on the paper) and button for printing data of your wallet;

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Getting access to your wallet

  1. on in menu click “View Wallet Info”;
  2. in list “How would you like to access your wallet?” pick “Keystore / JSON File” select your keystore file, enter the password and click the “Unlock” button;
  3. on next page you’ll see all information about your wallet include ETH Address and ETH balance.

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Buying tokens or transfer your assets

  1. on in menu click “Send Ether & Tokens”;
  2. in list “How would you like to access your wallet?” pick “Keystore / JSON File” select your keystore file, enter the password and click the “Unlock” button;
  3. on next page you’ll see fields for sending your ETH (or some tokens);
  4. for buying tokens you need enter address of smart-contract (for transfer your ETH or tokens to somebody you need enter his ETH address), enter sum of ethereum, enter gas limit (basically 150 000 for buying tokens and 90 000 for asset transfer ) and click the “Generate transaction” button and then “send transaction ” button and then confirm the transaction.

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Using referral program

Sometimes ICOs (as we in METTA) give you chance make more money using referral program, it means, that you can provide your ETH address to somebody, and when he’ll be buying tokens, he enter your ETH address in special field of ether wallet and after successful process of deal, we’ll additional transfer to you 15% from him tokens amount.

How to use it in ethereum wallet? It is very easy!

When somebody sending ETH for buying tokens, he have to enter your ETH address in field “Data” (the same in others ethereum wallets).

pic. #9

Referrer program of METTA work from 5 to 19 of december.

Don’t miss chance make more money with METTA.

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