METTA platform
2 min readNov 14, 2017

METTA will help you to save on advertising

One of the key tasks for any business to be solved for achieving strategic goals is the task of attracting clients. Regardless business size, operation segment or product offered to the market, the issue of attracting clients remains equally essential.

Any business solves this task and does it in different ways. Sometimes companies form an advertising budget, which, with a certain degree of efficiency, should ensure the attraction of the required number of clients and allow the expected sales level. The advertising budget is planned out based on certain expectations of the business regarding the conversion of such expenses into final sales. To put it simply, the business exchanges a certain amount of advertising costs for the expected greater number of sales revenues received from such expenses.

However, the devil hides in the details. How do you know the amount of money to invest in advertising to get the desired sales volume? Large business usually rely on estimates, their own expectations or historical data. But what if there is no way to conduct an in-depth analysis of past advertising campaigns or to calculate the effectiveness? Small companies can only roughly estimate their advertising budget. Often such a calculation is done, with a large margin or conservative, i.e. with low conversion and high costs. Another option is to apply to the advertising consultants, which will also lead to additional expenses. In both cases, we will receive relatively high costs, which will have to be covered by an increase in the final product price.

The META platform, in its turn, offers the business a clear system based on post-pay and fixed commission rates. By and large, a business attracts clients with 100% conversion of its expenses into customers, which allows you to get away from the uncertainty of traditional advertising campaigns. Thus, the efficiency will be much higher, and the pressure of the advertising budget on the price of the end products will decrease.

METTA pre-sale is scheduled from November 20 to December 19, 2017.

Project ICO will be held from January 1 to February 1, 2018

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METTA platform

«Uberization» platform for offline services with system of true reviews, built-in messenger and in-house currency.