Why does Metta choose the auto repair industry as the first entry?

METTA platform
3 min readNov 12, 2017

Rapidly developing market.

In 10 years period the number of passenger cars in Russia has made a growth by 60 % , from 25,57 million cars in early 2006 to 40,85 million at the beginning of 2015. At the same time the car fleet in the European countries grow much more slowly(1).

About 84% of the total amount falls on passenger cars which corresponds to 41,6 million Items. Light commercial vehicles account for 8% of the total amount, that is about 4 million automobiles. The number of the trucks registered is a bit smaller ( 3,7 million Items), which amounts to 7,5%. About 1% of the Russian car fleet falls on buses, with a number of 0,4 million items (2). The official size of the car service market in Russia in 2016 made 524 billion rubles ($ 8.73 billion.)(3)

A great number of small businesses.

There are a lot of small business companies and private entrepreneurs in the car repair industry. Most of them cannot afford a full-fledged sale/promotion channel in the Internet ( website, internet advertising,SEO,SMM).

METTA team has a big experience in promoting various businesses on the Internet, you can find out about some cases on the website of our web studio https://alparysoft.su. We regularly receive inquiries from small business companies to promote their services in the Internet. Most of these appeals, unfortunately, remain unresolved, for the reason of low budgeting mentioned above. This situation is aggravated by the fact that rates for advertising in search engines Google, Yandex and the cost of SEO promotion are increasing every year because of the growing competition of businesses for the top 10 search results. All this just makes you think about an alternative channel to attract customers for such small businesses, which is what METTA platform is made for.

Using your smartphone camera.

When our СЕО had a car accident last year it took him 3 days to find a car repair service. He had to stand in traffic jams, visit 6 car repair workshops with up to 3-fold spread in the repair prices. Thus, he saw the problem clearly from the client’s point of view.

One of the workshop offered to save time and do without a visit to the garage. They suggested sending photos with the car body defects via WhatsApp messenger for preliminary examination and estimation of costs and terms of repair. Furthermore, once the workshop was chosen as a contractor, they sent a photo of the each stage in the repair process to the client — disassembly of the elements, smoothing, filling, priming, painting. All this contributed to the trusting and safe relationship between the car repair service and the client. This particular case demonstrated how to save your time with the smartphone opportunities, exchanging photos of the defects to get preliminary repair costs estimation without visiting the car repair workshop.

Practical knowledge of the market.

One of the projects of the METTA team is the online store of spare parts and goods for auto and motor enthusiasts (http://shmoto.ru). Regular communication with the target group allows us to clearly understand its requests and market trends without costly research and outsourcing expertise. The latter allows both to reduce starting costs to launch the METTA project and to minimize risks.

METTA pre-sale is scheduled from November 20 to December 19, 2017.

Project ICO will be held from January 1 to February 1, 2018

Join us on https://metta-ico.com/

1 https://www.autostat.ru/infographics/20172/

2 https://www.autostat.ru/news/29332/

3 https://www.autostat.ru/news/28673/



METTA platform

«Uberization» platform for offline services with system of true reviews, built-in messenger and in-house currency.