Mia Manners
10 min readSep 4, 2017

Straight From The Horses Mouth

sharing what makes me tick and how the world goes round in a spiral…

The State is broke…viva Mother Nature!

Posted on September 4, 2017

Yesterday at Islington Farmers Market, it came to me again, that we are living in a world where denial is the leading light of living, that you just carry on regardless do a bit for the environment, like recycle, but don’t worry about composting, just chuck it all in. The Drivers of the country do not really say who they really are, they don’t enforce environmental initiatives that would secure turning our waste into resource led leading technologies shoring up our lasting place with the natural world with the expressed and made insurance for future generations. The great human spirit sadly is not using workable mantra’s, positive engagement policies ensuring practices that enforce businesses, councils and individuals to think about the materials they use and harbour to make great stuff that lasts and to be the best at recycling, reusing, re-modelling, re-thinking and saving money in all the stuff that is made, sold, and used and all the roads, rubbish and energy harnessed to be the least wasteful and most efficient.

Far from it. Still in infancy and fanciful illusionary states of perception, we still do not live in meaningful and tangible related lifestyles, that of which demands that The State would actually be accountable for the taxes we hand over to keep us healthy, well, working enthusiastically living in accordance to the individual. divine sovereignty; no we are grotesquely fisted into draconian war mongering lawyering, fear ramped soliciting and mass main stream mono-cropped marketing that throws us all under the bus with unknown bob job/jobs worth councillors, grey brow beaten part-time MP’s, severely psychopathic CEO’s who think nothing of their impacts worldwide, possible offsetting their carbon footprints with trees, and wells in Africa to make their conscious’ better. We are rather all counted heads of usury based products and services serving foul minded leaders, hierarchical systems, royalty and celebrity peers top down, whilst destroying and agreeing to this whittling self-service diatribe, duty led and the impoverished decisions collectively tampering wasteful carbuncles that is currently on offer made anywhere but here.

Our past few hundred years has seen the mass deforestation, mass land-grabbing, mass warring, and mass extraction of lands, oceans, skies and such that we are on a trajectory for not only mass extinction but our own mass shortfalls and breakdowns. The kids are being herded in schooling systems that are breeding mistrust, mass boredom, mass trance of lessons, admin, and waste. We are corralling our kids into a world of want, desire, and instant gratification. We are now in total fear based cahoots with mainstream lobbying systems, that are being ad-mined by The State.

I have just recently read two good books – KLF by John Higgs that allows one to move into the world of consciousness and what was the reasons behind burning a million quid on August 23rd 1992 in Jura by The KLF… John Higgs goes in deep and writes both pragmatically and esoterically which is an art in itself. It weaved a sense of a dating the twentieth century as the shortest century beginning in 1914 The Great War to 1994…a figuratively shortest century that was about men and machines and the killing of these men that have fought for power, prestige, money and how to collect debts from everywhere in a usury system. Bill Drummond and Jimmy Caulty who have an ongoing representation and energy around the Ancient arts of Mu Mu (the Ageless Wisdom’s), and the gospel according to celebrity, top ten hits and unusual activities that are rich in the unsaid’s and unseen’s that wave batons of division, warring and fear based galvanising gal-loops upon the masses; the K foundation simply warped and walked into the un-made, un-said stuff of high weird warped pauses of the world of the unusual men leading us.

Life AFter the state

I then read Life after the State by Dominic Frisby, who has cleverly summed up how the State’s prime function is to get your hard-earned wonga’s. That the State governs our health (NHS) so we have somehow been tranced out of preventing all the ills and woes of choosing bad food, bad jobs, bad this and that, and the state is a subplot of utilities and good public execution in rather, extracting your money under a system that requires we vote, thinking we have choices to those we place in power, feeling that we are all being looked after, should the State fall, God help us all, anarchy, terrorism, riots would be all that was left from each and every one of us, because that is what we are told subversively, in great educational and propaganda advertising selling constant fabrications, to own us all, take what we earn, or chaos will reign heavens upon us. In a nut, the individual is not to be trusted. There would be in-fighting, stealing, going crazy without our benevolent status symbol of The State.

How has the State become so powerful and how come we are not throwing it off our backs as a useless law governed intervention that is an irrational load of codswallop undoubtedly crippling us all from the off?

I would say that the state is out of date! And whatever views one has on Brexit was the countries two finger salute to more of the same shame and guilt run by crooks, bankers, law makers and Gerry back handlers.

WE have seen mass quantitive easing scheming and banking bailouts that would not have been able to happen under the physical Gold Standard. positioned to keep Banks from printing paper binding us to high interest rates, and in fact the First World War would have been over by christmas if the Fed Reserve Banking unauthorised 1913 Amendment act hadn’t been used to de-value money taking away physical weighted gold avoiding the perilous printing of paper money, willy nilly. Millions of beautiful lives would have not been lost and the enormous grief that became crystallised in stone hearts, tears, walls, separating beliefs, all held down inflammatory shock, trauma, despair and loss from those all caught up in that particularly cruel feasting of man and nationality. We all got infected from a small band of undisclosed leaders who saw profit from warring, and the rise of banking and State stewardship’s collaborating in the greatest conmen trickery known as Tax Collectors, and Money lenders. WE continually give the nod to illusionary fiat based currencies. We are witnessing daylight robbery as individuals, playing our parts handing it over to the continuous unsettling drama’s being. watched from our couches, phones, social platforms as climate changes rages on, mirroring the havoc we encounter with ourselves and our supposed loyalty to wishing to keep buying into our desert-filled shopping aisles and egregiousness willing on the. big-wigging whooping that all men are equal blab blab blab, so long as you pay up, enter their games and don’t question authority, or the proxy wars that our brothers and sisters are fleeing from as our bombs made here, arms en-souled and manufactured drop with. impunity on where those military stocks and shares are sold to, dropped, used or not, so long as they keep selling.

A bipolar, schizophrenia. overload of the lucrative chemical Industrial Revolution in their carcinogenic, synthetic, fake colorations, ad-on fillers, impartial to all human health and all great living sentient world ecological systems that are the reefs, land animals, swamps, meadows, insects, flora and fauna from our Great Mother. and all brushed off under the Dow Jones indexes. which keep carving up the countryside for. mass artificial sell offs, as though these natural resources should never disappear as we are distracted every single step of the day by indifference and the fear based not having enough hoarding mentality, and besides what could you do anyway?

This is it folks! Step outside, buy buy buy and don’t worry about the shit storm of inequality and greed raging throughout your general fear laced matrix mind-set. We are relying on. you forgetting, you are now so poorly equipped to see how run down, weakened by Big-Pharma and Big Agri-chemicals, reliant on your subsidies you’ve become. I too watch Netflix, occasionally shop in the big shops, and don’t think overly of the plastic going into landfills and incinerators.

What if. we take away these very immoral and unethical drivers out of play from the current set ups and give common sense incentivised using local grass root economies. What would happen?

I know man and woman are all seeking a purpose, one that works on behalf of a faith built by good thinking, leading to good actions, good deeds and good energy that would grow organically as. good crafting would deflect the need for throw away and begin to allow the emergence of transitioning from fast food, fast money, fast stupid decisions to a complete slowing down of what we consider useful and life replenishing, as we begin our inventories to the miracles of life.

WE are now reducing our drivers to switching to authentic and natural higher states of play that deliver quality and longevity and not places. that destroy local environments to all the animal kingdoms, as we are immune to the horrors of lost forests that orangutans and all primates need to survive, and that rhino, tigers, bears, bird life are all protected and not forgotten on the brink of extinction. Our highest nobel parts are now 360* scrambling to undo the harm and reinvent the wheel of life at making good shit out of art, grow really good food, sold at real plough to plate markets, that do not rely on GDP’s, and interest rated greedy, colossal, grim self-serving hedge betting disastrous derivatives; and SUBSIDIES.

We would flower up sensing a coming together that would actually allow bottom upping, meeting top downing as third way alternatives, clean, healthy, fitful and essential would be normalised. We would stop manufacturing tat and shite. In fact, our thinking would change pretty quickly.

I imagine we would each start to remember who and where we come from, earth, the clay, the soil, the land, the air, the water, the things that make life worth getting out of bed as we stop consuming and start living and that our roles and responsibilities were based on age-old cultural myths and story telling as custodians and husbands to Mother Earth no longer brow beating, un-lore-fully implicated to signing on the dotted line from birth to death, and contributing to extremely unsavoury collusive gerrymandering, and quango tax havens corporate-tied and spilling waste out everywhere clogging up all our breathing and eliminating holes.

Slow Movement is here…

The milk of human kindness

By the gentle phase out our addictions in monetary terms only, replacing costing the earth practices, and adopting a fourth wave alkalising slow movement era that is ripe for picking, and dusted in self autonomy, self governance, self-care, and in no doubt how to recognise con men, duplicitous odd bods once and for all, and the especially cheer on the wonderful elemental’s of wind, sun, rain to fuel precipitation ensuring food grown naturally and low carbon initiatives to warm our homes, and keep all man and all sentients benefitting from shared resources.

A complete stopping of plastic and fossil fuel run offs being run down, and the awful models of. extracting business would have to ask real questions that link their grasping and destabilising factors, that have up till now, taken from you, me, him, her, them. Payments to keep manufacturing weapons of mass destroyers to ecology and Gaia herself would stop.

We will all have to tighten our belts, stop buying into fear, greed and sloth, and all have a part to play in the big clean up.

Our wish to live simply with seasonality as the guiding footprint/foot falls to what we buy into.

That this writing outpoured like my heart-felt enquiries in this great de-facto. known. quite honestly, as a plug in-matrix that keeps the same rhetoric of sell sell sell, make money mark our words and our rules and you will live freely. George Orwell devoted his last years to 1984, highlighting the dizzying compliant human breeders we’ve all become ruled by rules, and regulations. I have been keenly interested in uprising and outing poor quality everything’s just to make a buck. It just has never felt right, the wrong from right. We have been led like sheep, conformed, collectivised, herded and our main streams are dripping in buckets of wishy-washy heretics that do not allow us to live mindfully, ecologically and stocked with awareness in all things social, environmental and economical. However we have powerful imaginations and are all ready to rewrite a new something in to being.

The Solution? Switch to clean, green alternatives and stop buying junk. Question everything and keep shaping your choices in how you live. Don’t believe the hype and consciously work internally not externally. Grow out of unconditional love.

There is a third way. And it’s here.


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Wow..thank you…

Mia Manners

Environmentalist passionate about all things local seasonal and organic