Magic the Gathering: Ladies, Where You At?

Hannah Meyer
6 min readApr 24, 2020

I started playing Magic the Gathering about 2 years ago when my boyfriend and I started dating. It is a game that he absolutely loves and is a huge part of his life. He’s made many friends through the MTG community, spends hours creatively building decks and strategy, and loves learning about the lore within the game. Naturally, I wanted to at least understand this important part of my boyfriend’s life and it turned out that I fell in love with the game too.

What is Magic the Gathering?

For those of you who do not know, Magic the Gathering is a collectible card game created by Wizards of the Coast in 1993 and is currently played by over 20 million people worldwide. While there are many different formats of Magic, the basic concept is that the player is considered a “Wizard” and must build an army and battle strategy from MTG cards to defeat the other players in the game. Think chess but with a fantasy twist that includes magical creatures, enchantments, and spells.

As someone with an appreciation for all things fantasy and a love for all types of strategy games, I was quickly drawn into Magic the Gathering. While my introduction to the game was incredibly positive, I was definitely intimidated by the community and a large part of that was due to my gender.

