Eric A. MeyerCWRU2KBefore I tell you this story of January 1st, 2000, I need to back things up a few months into mid-1999. I was working at Case Western…Jan 1, 2020Jan 1, 2020
Eric A. MeyerLegend of the Stalwart Mouse: Return of the MX518I’ve relied on a mouse for about a decade and a half. I don’t mean “relied on a mouse” in the generic sense, but rather in the sense that…Mar 18, 20191Mar 18, 20191
Eric A. MeyerSecuring Web Sites Made Them Less AccessibleIn the middle of last month (July 2018), I found myself staring at a projector screen, waiting once again to see if Wikipedia would load…Aug 7, 20182Aug 7, 20182
Eric A. MeyerThe China AnniversaryIt was twenty years ago today, under the wide-spreading boughs of a tree in the front yard of a house on Long Island, that Kat and I…Jul 19, 20181Jul 19, 20181
Eric A. MeyerWhat is the CSS ‘ch’ Unit?I keep seeing authors and speakers refer to the ch unit as meaning “character width”. This leads to claims that you can “make your content…Jun 28, 20182Jun 28, 20182
Eric A. MeyerDecimatedIn another timeline, an early alarm woke Kat and me this morning so we could sneak into Rebecca’s room with her siblings and wish her a…Jun 7, 2018Jun 7, 2018
Eric A. Meyer“CSS Pocket Reference, 5th Edition” to ProductionJust over an hour before I started writing this post, I handed off CSS Pocket Reference, 5th Edition to the Production department at…Feb 15, 2018Feb 15, 2018
Eric A. MeyerMy Contribution to “Modern Loss”My wife Kat and I tell ourselves we’d love another child for who they are, not for who they replace. We even believe it. But we can’t be…Jan 25, 2018Jan 25, 2018
Eric A. MeyerBook Review: “Create with Code: Build Your Own Website”A thing people ask me with some regularity is, “What’s a good book for someone who wants to get started in web design?” I’m here to review…Dec 3, 2017Dec 3, 2017
Eric A. MeyerGenerating Wireframe Boxes with CSS and HTML5I was recently noodling around with some new layout ideas for An Event Apart’s speaker pages (e.g., Chris Coyier’s or Jen Simmons’) and…Nov 27, 2017Nov 27, 2017