Accessibility in Plain English !(Part 2/2)

fahim feroz
4 min readJul 6, 2024

Hey there, Welcome back to the second part of our series on accessibility considerations, focusing on why accessibility often gets overlooked and how we can address these challenges. If you missed the first part, we explored the basics of accessibility and its significance in creating inclusive digital experiences.

Why Accessibility Gets Overlooked

Despite its importance, accessibility often gets overlooked in the design and development process. Here’s why this happens:

1. Lack of Awareness

Many designers and developers aren’t aware of accessibility issues. They might not understand the challenges faced by users with disabilities or the importance of designing for inclusivity.

2. Time and Budget Constraints

Accessibility can be seen as an extra step that requires additional time and resources. In fast-paced projects with tight deadlines and budgets, it’s often deprioritized in favor of more immediate concerns.

3. Misconceptions About Audience

There’s a common misconception that accessibility only benefits a small fraction of users. In reality, accessibility improvements often enhance the experience for all users, not just those with disabilities. Features like high contrast and text-to-speech options benefit everyone, making content easier to read and understand.

4. Lack of Training

Many teams lack the training and knowledge needed to implement accessibility effectively. Without understanding the guidelines and best practices, it’s easy to overlook accessibility needs.

Techniques to Overcome Accessibility Challenges

Now, let’s talk about how we can overcome some of these practical issues, especially in scenarios like small team sizes or tight budgets:

1. Prioritize Accessibility Early (Shift-left)

In the past, accessibility testing had to happen at the end of the entire development cycle, if not after the delivery date due to limited awareness and available tools. A more efficient approach is to integrate accessibility into the project from the beginning. This approach, known as “shift-left,” means considering accessibility during the planning and design phases, rather than treating it as an afterthought.

Diagram from ROI of UX by Frank Spillers

Doing tests earlier in the life cycle allows us to fix issues at a lower cost. Earlier automated tests (unit tests) are cheaper to maintain than end-to-end UI automated tests. Shift left strategy is a concept coming from Quality Assurance and test strategy yet is also very relevant for the UX processes and it is totally in line with Design Thinking

2. Leverage Tools and Resources

Utilize the wealth of free resources and tools available for accessibility testing and implementation. Tools like WAVE, Axe, and Lighthouse can help identify accessibility issues early on. Websites like WebAIM and the WCAG guidelines provide comprehensive information and best practices.

3. Adopt Incremental Improvements

If resources are limited, focus on making small, incremental improvements rather than trying to do everything at once. Even minor changes can significantly enhance accessibility. Prioritize the most critical areas that will impact the largest number of users.

4. Use Frameworks and Libraries

Choose frameworks and libraries that have built-in accessibility features. For example, many modern front-end frameworks like React and Angular have components that are designed with accessibility in mind. This can save time and effort in development.

5. Create Reusable Components

Develop reusable accessible components that can be easily integrated into different projects. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in accessibility practices across projects.

6. Educate and Advocate

Promote accessibility awareness within your team and organization. Often management and the Dev leads tend to de-prioritize accessibility. Provide training sessions, share resources, and advocate for the importance of accessibility. The more informed your team is, the better equipped they will be to prioritize accessibility.

7. Collaborate with Users

Involve users with disabilities in your design and testing processes. Their feedback can provide valuable insights and help identify accessibility issues that might not be apparent to others. User testing is a critical component of creating accessible products.


Ensuring accessibility in digital products is not just a legal obligation but a moral one. It’s about creating an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can access and benefit from digital content. As we’ve seen, accessibility issues are pervasive and often overlooked, but with awareness, tools, and a proactive approach, we can address these challenges.

By integrating accessibility considerations early in the design process, leveraging available resources, and making incremental improvements, we can make significant strides towards more inclusive digital spaces. Remember, accessibility is not just for the minority — it’s for all of us, as nearly everyone will experience some form of disability at some point in their lives.

Stay tuned for more insights and tips in Plain English on creating user-friendly digital experiences. Until next time, happy designing!




fahim feroz

Tech enthusiast, unraveling the magic of UI/UX one click at a time. Ui Ux Engineer by profession.