Tips For Stunning Premier Wedding Photography

Myron Fields
3 min readJul 13, 2021


Weddings are called “The Big Day” because it requires a massive amount of planning. With a lot of juggles, from long shot lists and numerous locations for a large wedding party and an infinite amount of time to get photos, it’s a huge order for even the best premier wedding photographer. Putting together strategy is vital, and preparation can save you the best-laid plans falling apart.

Massive amount of preparation required for premier wedding photography
Image Source: Pexels

How to prepare for wedding photography?

Schedule and shot list

Meeting with the couples to prepare schedules and develop a plan to provide different ways to address unrealistic timing.


Knowing the day’s schedule helps you understand what type of lighting you’ll work with. For example, the golden-hour lighting that happens an hour after sunrise or before sunset is ideal for wedding photographs.

Best lightning by premier wedding photographer
Image Source : Pexels

Reach before the guests arrive to set the lighting around the venue. This saves you from some stress later on.

If the event moves into the evening, it is necessary to use flash. A technique well-known as “dragging the shutter” is perfect for capturing softly lit wedding scenarios without losing background details.


Come prepared because once the ceremony begins, there’s no going out to grab another lens. Beyond flash, you must have a lens that captures a variety of shots.

Another set of eyes is a vital resource, as well. You have to be sure you carry a long lens to capture distant moments and a wide lens so that you can switch between the two quickly — mainly during the wedding when you only have 30 minutes to get everything that you need.

Expect the unexpected.

The bride and groom might plan for rain on their wedding day; as the photographer, you have to be ready for times that no shot list can predict. While the couple tying the knot, being alert and quick helps you capture unique and memorable moments of the wedding that the couple will never otherwise see.

Image Source : Pexels

Capturing the moment a bride and groom

No one can see everything happening at their wedding, and, mostly, a keen-eyed premier wedding photographer capturing candid moments can make a couple feel like they hired someone who went above and beyond.

Things to consider in professional wedding photography

Image Source : Pexels

1. Working costs: From apparatus costs to tax reduction, everything will help you recognize what you need to charge for your time. Don’t overlook the web hosting, insurance, software, and data storage in these calculations.

2. Delivery costs: If you’re providing physical products like photo albums or printed images, include these factors in those costs to your pricing.

3. Time costs: How much time are you spending at the venue? Make sure to add in the time spent processing and editing photos, plus time spent getting the final product or package to your client.

Every premier wedding photographer handles business decisions differently; understanding your financial needs and the shoot you need for a successful event are the key considerations that guide these processes.

