Visiting Arthur C. Clarke’s House in Colombo

Michael Finberg
4 min readJan 4, 2024




Sri Lanka

I’m Dumping California.

Life is much cheaper in Southeast Asia.

There are great beaches, fast internet, and luxurious huts for a few cents.

I’ll also visit Arthur C. Clarke’s former home and office.

It’s “closed” to the public, but an angel investor friend will alert his CEO buddy to help me when I arrive in Colombo.

Writing and meditating in the morning, trading in the evening.

That’s the plan.

Thank God the Tamil war is over.

Let the great adventure begin.

I’m in the air as I type.

Landing in Singapore in 7 hours.

A stopover of 12 hours and then a second flight to Colombo.

A filmmaker is meeting me at the airport.

We make our way to Arthur C. Clarke’s house as quickly as possible.

The highway to Bentota is modern.

There are plenty of cool beaches south of Colombo.

I went on a hike to a Buddhist jungle temple.

Lush vegetation everywhere.

It’s like something out of Apocalypse Now.

Drum roll.

The next day.

I got a private tour of Arthur C. Clarke’s house. It was great to see his office and library. I was introduced to his two former business partners and was shown some moon dust with Neil Armstrong’s signature.

It was a gift from one giant to another.

2001 A Space Odyssey was written here.

Hard to believe.

I got a parting gift surprise.

A receipt for lunch from Colombo Swimming Club with Clarke’s signature.

I almost fainted.

This visit was an out-body experience.

Arthur C. Clarke ate a pork steak, a Coke, and some strawberry ice cream.

I’m sure he enjoyed it.

Less than three years before his death.

Was the monolith watching?

I’m in Kandy and looking for a long-term place to write Zone Girls.

Colombo is terrible.

The visit to Arthur C. Clarke’s house was a super boon and a boost, just as I expected.

I needed the critical blessing of Clarke’s writing protectors.

They delivered big time and I’ve no intention of letting them down.


I’m creating a new mythology for Western civilization and indirectly for our global civilization -which has evolved rapidly over the last 500 years.

Especially in the last 100 years.

This global civilization must believe in the invisible world, where both miraculous help and lurking danger are equally present.

Not a bad day.

Kandy’s a cool place.

Drum roll:

It’s magical….

My new “Zone House.”

2 bedrooms.



Living room.

Guest bedroom.

Outside veranda

Outdoor garden

(3 minutes walk from Kandy View Summit.)

( 8 minutes walk to the hotel swimming pool. )

Drum roll…


$240 including utilities and internet.

My landlord:

Electronics professor Neel with his daughter Tenulee.

( My special local protectors )

Drum roll…

This is my Zone Girl launch pad in the energy vortex of Kandy, in the middle of Sri Lanka

My “2001” house in Sri Lanka.

My homage to Arthur C. Clarke, George Lucas, Carlos Castaneda, JR Tolkien and JK Rowling.

May the “Force” be with you — and may you always be in “The Zone.”



Michael Finberg

I'm the author of an experimental anti-cookie cutter blog. Leave a response. I'll comment. if it's appropriate.