The Buddha-Elon Musk Paradox (Part 3)

Mike Fishbein
5 min readAug 24, 2015

Part one of The Buddha-Elon Musk Paradox explained how many of life’s most important questions are rooted in finding a balance between “Buddha” and “Elon Musk.”

Part two was about identifying what’s most important to you and how to strike the perfect balance.

There are, however, two more important considerations. Considerations that may be holding you back from taking action, or from being happy regardless of what decisions you make.

That brings us to part three…

1. Is nonconformity for you?

Do you care about fitting in? An important, yet commonly overlooked consideration when making decisions is the degree to which conforming to your social surroundings is important to you.

You read more literature out there about why you shouldn’t conform, why you should be yourself and do your own thing and not worry about what anybody else thinks of you. I do believe there’s value to that, especially if you are good at and/or enjoy whatever you may want to do. If you love writing crazy fiction stories all day, so be it. You shouldn’t let the opinions of others influence your life.

But, it’s easier said than done. Often these articles provide a short term “hoo-rah” to quit your job or move to Thailand, but after a few days…

