3 min readJun 6, 2023


Hey Readers,

I have some exciting news to share with You!

Before we delve deeper into what we all should know about the Eonothem (ETM/P), let’s Imagine a world where websites know exactly what you want and need before you do. When personal IDs replace cookies as the means of cookie tracking, your future online experiences will be more individually suited to you. In the field of Web 3 Development, the three most significant elements of the Internet are currently users, websites, and blockchain technology.

The Vision of Eonothem

Building apps requires careful planning, a solid understanding of user needs, and proficient technical skills. The process involves several key steps, including ideation, design, development, testing, and deployment. It’s crucial to define the purpose and target audience of the app, conduct thorough research, and create a user-friendly interface. Additionally, selecting the appropriate development platform and programming languages is essential.

Rigorous testing helps identify and rectify any bugs or usability issues before launching the app. Regular updates and maintenance ensure its optimal performance and compatibility with evolving technologies. Successful app development combines creativity, user-centered design, and robust coding practices to deliver a valuable and engaging experience to users. Hence, the need for Eonothem (ETM/P), a decentralized blockchain built to create apps and games for everyone in the crypto space. It is effective, quick, and reasonably priced for Web3.

Moving forward, after getting a grip on what the vision of Eonothem is, let’s look into the features of ETM/P which makes it more unique and more distinct from others.

  1. The ETM token

The ETM network uses the native and governance token of the blockchain as a medium of exchange and a way to store wealth. The ETM token is the optimal medium of exchange for Web3 and DeFi2 due to its various functionalities.This token conforms with all ERC requirements, is widely used, and has a controlled rate of inflation. It’s wonderful to find that every transaction on ETM/P’s main net is affordable and always successful.

2. Delegated proof of stake (DPoS)

The ETM/P consensus mechanism’s underlying principle DPos provides the following;

  • Efficiency
  • Scalability & operational stability
  • Economic security
  • Delegated Stake of Proof doesn’t hinder decentralization.

3. Staking is an another fascinating aspect of the ETMP ecology:

Staking is essential to the ETM/P economy in order to ensure a consistent supply and demand for ETM tokens. Anyone in possession of ETM tokens has the ability to bet and profit significantly, much like bank accounts can earn interest.


ETM (Eonothem) is a Delegated Proof of Stake consensus public blockchain, adapted to high output scenario of Web3 applications and efficient high frequency decentralized finance. With EVM compatible structural design, smart contract can be easily and securely deployed in the ETM/P system. This gives ETM high scalability and composability. The consensus mechanism is based on the Byzantine fault tolerant consensus (Istanbul) with enhanced features.

Eonothem (ETM) is the totality of data and information laid down in the record deposited during a certain eon of the continuous metaverse timescale. This Eonothem is unchangeable, retrievable, and verifiable. The development timeline of Eonothem blockchain will be in 4 stages: Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic, and Phanerozoic. We are now in Proterozoic, i.e. ETM/P. The eventual form of ETM will be Phanerozoic (ETM/Ph).

For more information kindly connect with us:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ETM_Proterozoic

Telegram: https://t.me/ETM_Proterozoic

Discord: https://discord.gg/266cpdzYTZ


I'm a Digital and Blockchain Enthusiast, who loves Tech. and solely believes it has the potency to solve problems. ✅😎